Jan. 13, 2025, 4:59 p.m.
(Photo: Dream)
The renovation of the mental health unit at the Kherson Regional Hospital for Rehabilitation Treatment may cost the budget UAH 11 million.
As stated in the announcement published on the website of the Digital Ecosystem for Accountable Recovery Management DREAM, the creation of a 30-bed Mental Health Unit is an intermediate link between psychiatric healthcare facilities and allows for an optimal combination of types of psychotherapeutic/psychiatric care services.
Photo: DREAM screen shot
<i>The working</i>project envisages a major overhaul of the third floor with the following types of work
At the same time, the hospital itself can allocate only 93 thousand hryvnias out of 11 million hryvnias.
Photo: DREAM screen shot
Since the beginning of the year, 11 facilities have been added to the DREAM Digital Ecosystem for Accountable Recovery Management, which is planned to be restored in 2025. At the same time, the cost has been calculated for only two reconstruction projects: the repair of the Mental Health Unit and the reconstruction of the Vysokopil Lyceum building.
In December 2024, the state digital ecosystem for recovery management DREAM contained 334 projects for the reconstruction of Kherson region. Their implementation required UAH 7.1 billion. The Chornobaiv community ranked first in terms of the number of reconstruction projects included in the system. They registered 87 projects with a total estimated budget of UAH 1.2 billion.
The DREAM ecosystem is implemented by the DREAM Project Office within the GIZ Ukraine Sustainable Society Cluster, funded by the German government and implemented by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH." Dream was established and operates in accordance with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 1286 of November 15, 2022.
Олеся Ланцман