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Sept. 11, 2023, 9:32 p.m.

Odesa Schools Ranking 2023: NMT Results Highlight Top Performers



The ranking of schools in Odesa was compiled based on the results of the National Multisubject Test (NMT), a report published on the website of the Ukrainian Center for Educational Quality Assessment. The test in this format was administered for the first time in 2023; last year, university applicants took only compulsory subjects.

The educational information resource has compiled a rating of general secondary education institutions in Ukraine based on the results of the NMT 2023. took the rating score as a baseline, which is calculated on the basis of the average score of the national multi-subject test obtained by test participants in all NMT subjects and taking into account the total number of tests taken by graduates of each school. This rating is taken into account in the column "Place in the ranking of Ukraine".

Read also: notes that this year's ranking was significantly influenced by the pass/fail threshold, which in 2023 was set in advance and was significantly lower for some subjects than in previous years. For example, in Ukrainian language, only 0.09% of participants did not pass the pass/fail threshold (in 2021 - 7.45%), which affected the ranking tables, as the ranking takes into account participants who did not pass the threshold score in the subject.

In total, examined 155 educational institutions in the city and 320 in the region. The best performers were students of Odesa Lyceum No. 117 of Odesa City Council (36th city in Ukraine) with a NMT score of 169.7, while the best-ranked Lviv Physics and Mathematics Boarding Lyceum at Ivan Franko National University of Lviv took first place with a score of 182.3.

It should be noted that the results of some schools were heavily influenced by the fact that students were forced to leave their homes for other regions or abroad. This could have a significant impact on the results. In addition, believes that, given the format of the test, the conditions of the test, and the specifics of determining the results of the NMT, it is not appropriate to compare the 2023 ranking with the rankings of previous years. Also, due to these peculiarities, it is not advisable to make management decisions based on the results of students of a particular school or a particular region in the overall ranking.

By columns:

Ranking of schools in Odesa. Odesa

Name of the school Rank TOP Rating score Score
Pupils / tests Passed (%)
Odesa Lyceum No. 117 of Odesa City Council 1 36 145 169.7 42/126 100
Municipal institution "Richelieu Scientific Lyceum" 2 84 140.6 163.8 82/237 100
Odesa Lyceum "Primorskyi" of Odesa City Council, Odesa region 3 85 140.6 162.9 133/384 100
Odesa Lyceum No. 1 named after A.P. Bystrina of Odesa City Council 4 194 137.1 159.8 74/219 100
Odesa Lyceum No. 2 of Odesa City Council 5 207 136.8 160.1 47/135 100
Odesa Lyceum "Leader" of Odesa City Council 6 216 136.7 158.8 107/315 100
PRIVATE ENTERPRISE "Odesa Institution of the Social Security Institution "FUTURE"" 7 231 136.4 160.1 22/66 100
Odesa private lyceum "Krok" 8 237 136.3 159.7 37/108 99
Private institution "Odesa private school of I-III grades "Nika-M" 9 253 136 159.8 8/24 100
Odesa Lyceum No. 9 of Odesa City Council of Odesa Oblast 10 276 135.6 157.4 110/327 100
Odesa Lanzheronivskyi Lyceum of Odesa City Council 11 350 134.4 157.4 35/105 100
Private institution "Odesa Private Lyceum "Harmony" 12 405 133.7 157.2 7/18 100
Odesa Lyceum No. 7 of Odesa City Council 13 409 133.7 156.1 64/180 99
private institution "Odesa private secondary school of I-III level - lyceum "Chornomorskyi" 14 410 133.6 157 12/36 100
Odesa Lyceum No. 121 of Odesa City Council 15 470 133 156 26/72 100
Odesa Lyceum No. 4 of Odesa City Council 16 477 132.9 155.3 57/171 100
Odesa Lyceum "Harmony" of Odesa City Council 17 577 131.9 153.7 81/231 100
Odesa Economic Lyceum of Odesa City Council, Odesa region 18 591 131.7 153.6 78/225 99
Odesa Lyceum No. 8 of Odesa City Council 19 609 131.6 153.4 78/234 100
Odesa Lyceum "Mariinsky" of Odesa City Council 20 634 131.4 153.5 55/162 100
Odesa Lyceum No. 5 of Odesa City Council 21 692 130.9 153.6 17/51 100
Odesa lyceum "Nadiya" of Odesa City Council 22 719 130.7 153 39/111 100
Odesa Lyceum No. 50 of Odesa City Council 23 726 130.6 153 39/114 100
Municipal Institution "Odesa Art College named after M.B. Grekov" 24 737 130.5 153.3 12/36 100
Odesa Lyceum No. 13 of Odesa City Council 25 785 130.2 151 120/354 99
Odesa Lyceum No. 86 of Odesa City Council 26 838 129.8 151.6 65/186 100
Odesa Lyceum No. 63 of Odesa City Council 27 839 129.8 152 37/108 100
Odesa Lyceum No. 92 of Odesa City Council 28 879 129.5 151.5 46/135 100
Odesa Lyceum No. 69 of Odesa City Council 29 930 129.3 151.3 40/120 100
Odesa Lyceum "European" of Odesa City Council 30 1052 128.5 150.6 31/87 100
Odesa Lyceum No. 56 of Odesa City Council 31 1160 127.9 149.3 62/183 99
Odesa Lyceum No. 57 of Odesa City Council 32 1167 127.9 149.9 30/87 98
Odesa Lyceum No. 35 of Odesa City Council 33 1189 127.7 149.1 67/198 100
Odesa Lyceum No. 49 of Odesa City Council 34 1196 127.7 148.9 71/210 100
Private organization (institution, establishment) "Odesa Lyceum "Mriya" 35 1327 126.9 149 17/48 100
Odesa Lyceum No. 17 of Odesa City Council 36 1344 126.9 148.2 57/168 99
Odesa Educational Complex No. 90 named after A.S. Pushkin "Specialized school of I-III grades - kindergarten" of Odesa City Council of Odesa region 37 1372 126.7 148.5 33/93 99
Odesa lyceum No. 10 named after pilots-cosmonauts G.T. Volodolsky and G.S. Shonin of Odesa city council 38 1409 126.5 148.2 38/111 99
Odesa Lyceum No. 43 of Odesa City Council 39 1684 125.4 147.2 17/42 98
Odesa Lyceum No. 55 of Odesa City Council 40 1742 125.1 146.5 37/108 99
Odesa Lyceum No. 38 of Odesa City Council 41 1746 125.1 146.4 45/135 99
Odesa Trade and Economic College of the Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics 42 1771 125 146.9 9/27 100
Odesa Secondary School No. 11 of Odesa City Council of Odesa Oblast 43 1809 124.8 146.6 14/39 100
Private institution of the It Step Skool Odesa 44 1881 124.5 146.3 12/33 100
Odesa Private Educational Complex "Chabad Preschool Educational Institution - Specialized School of I-III grades" 45 1900 124.4 146.2 10/30 97
Odesa Mykhailivskyi Lyceum of Odesa City Council 46 1920 124.4 145.3 62/180 100
Odesa Lyceum No. 12 of Odesa City Council 47 1921 124.4 145.7 38/105 100
Odesa Lyceum No. 73 of Odesa City Council 48 1922 124.4 144.8 88/261 98
Odesa Lyceum No. 81 of Odesa City Council 49 1926 124.4 145.2 65/189 99
Odesa secondary school №20 of I-III grades of Odesa city council of Odesa region 50 1979 124.2 145.6 29/87 99
Odesa Lyceum No. 85 of Odesa City Council 51 1980 124.2 145.8 19/51 100
Odesa Lyceum No. 22 of Odesa City Council 52 1990 124.2 145.2 49/144 100
Odesa Lyceum No. 14 of Odesa City Council 53 2002 124.1 145 62/174 98
Odesa Lyceum No. 101 of Odesa City Council 54 2006 124.1 145.1 58/153 97
Odesa lyceum with primary school and gymnasium "School of Dream" 55 2029 124 145.6 18/48 100
VSP "Novokakhovka Polytechnic Professional College of the National University "Odesa Polytechnic" 56 2115 123.7 145.2 19/54 100
Odesa Lyceum No. 45 of Odesa City Council 57 2168 123.5 144.9 26/78 99
Odesa Lyceum No. 111 of Odesa City Council 58 2191 123.5 144.2 59/177 98
Odesa Lyceum No. 53 of Odesa City Council 59 2273 123.2 144.6 22/60 98
Odesa Lyceum No. 62 of Odesa City Council 60 2292 123.1 144.1 45/135 99
Odesa Lyceum No. 82 of Odesa City Council 61 2362 122.9 143.8 49/135 98
Odesa Lyceum No. 80 of Odesa City Council 62 2367 122.8 143.9 34/99 100
Odesa Lyceum No. 15 of Odesa City Council 63 2421 122.6 143.4 53/147 98
Odesa Lyceum No. 40 of Odesa City Council 64 2445 122.6 143.1 68/195 98
Private institution "Odesa Private Lyceum "Antarctica" 65 2461 122.5 144 7/21 95
Odesa State Music Lyceum named after Professor P. Stolyarsky 66 2540 122.3 143.5 21/51 100
Odesa Lyceum No. 24 of Odesa City Council 67 2559 122.2 142.8 56/162 98
Odesa Specialized School No. 32 of the Odesa City Council of Odesa Oblast 68 2578 122.2 143.2 32/93 99
Municipal Institution "Odesa Regional Basic Medical Professional College" 69 2590 122.1 140.7 188/516 99
Kherson Polytechnic Professional College of the National University "Odesa Polytechnic" 70 2708 121.8 142.4 53/147 99
Odesa Lyceum No. 67 of Odesa City Council 71 2725 121.7 142.1 67/195 98
VSP "Professional College of Maritime Transport of the National University "Odesa Maritime Academy" 72 2767 121.6 140.1 177/510 99
Odesa Lyceum No. 60 of Odesa City Council 73 2773 121.5 142.6 22/63 100
Odesa Lyceum No. 65 of Odesa City Council 74 2785 121.5 142.3 37/105 98
VSP "Professional College of Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University" 75 2786 121.5 142 53/153 99
VSP "Maritime Professional College of Kherson State Maritime Academy" 76 2803 121.4 140.5 149/408 100
Municipal institution "Odesa Theater and Art College" 77 2823 121.3 142.3 26/72 100
Odesa Secondary School No. 33 of Odesa City Council of Odesa Oblast 78 2946 121 141.8 34/96 100
Odesa Lyceum No. 100 of Odesa City Council 79 2982 120.9 141.6 37/105 98
VSP "Professional College of Communication and Informatization of the State University of Intellectual Technologies and Communications" 80 3051 120.7 140.1 110/321 98
Odesa Lyceum No. 3 of Odesa City Council 81 3052 120.7 141.3 44/123 99
Odesa private educational complex "Secondary educational institution of I-III level - kindergarten "Intellect" in the form of a limited liability company 82 3084 120.6 141.7 12/36 97
Odesa Lyceum "Fontansky" of Odesa City Council 83 3095 120.6 141.2 37/105 97
Odesa Lyceum No. 84 of Odesa City Council 84 3099 120.6 140.9 54/159 97
Odesa Lyceum No. 6 of Odesa City Council 85 3130 120.5 141.3 31/84 100
Odesa Lyceum No. 72 of Odesa City Council 86 3156 120.4 140.3 80/231 99
VSP "Professional College of Measurements of the State University of Intellectual Technologies and Communications" 87 3163 120.4 141.4 11/30 100
Odesa secondary school №27 of Odesa city council of Odesa region 88 3165 120.4 140.9 43/126 99
Professional College of the International Humanitarian University 89 3177 120.3 136.5 320/921 98
Odesa Lyceum No. 71 of Odesa City Council 90 3192 120.3 141.2 22/54 98
Odesa secondary school №61 of I-III grades of Odesa city council of Odesa region 91 3204 120.2 141 30/90 100
Private higher educational institution "Odesa College of Computer Technologies "Server" 92 3216 120.2 140.7 43/123 98
Odesa Lyceum "Educational Resources and Technological Training" No. 94 named after Volodymyr (Zeev) Zhabotynskyi of Odesa City Council 93 3288 120 140.8 21/57 96
Odesa Law Lyceum of Odesa City Council 94 3341 119.9 140.1 61/168 99
VSP "Odesa Professional College of Computer Technologies of Odesa State Environmental University" 95 3389 119.7 138.8 127/372 99
Odesa secondary school №25 of the Odesa City Council of Odesa region 96 3396 119.7 140.5 21/60 100
Odesa secondary school №48 of Odesa city council of Odesa region 97 3412 119.7 140.1 40/111 99
Odesa Secondary School No. 76 of the Odesa City Council of Odesa Oblast 98 3471 119.5 140.2 25/69 100
Odesa Lyceum No. 37 of Odesa City Council 99 3487 119.5 140.3 18/54 100
Odesa Lyceum No. 68 of Odesa City Council 100 3523 119.4 140 30/78 99
Odesa Lyceum No. 89 of Odesa City Council 101 3602 119.2 139.1 63/189 97
Odesa Lyceum No. 44 of Odesa City Council 102 3667 119 138.8 73/216 98
Odesa Lyceum No. 28 of Odesa City Council 103 3742 118.9 138.8 60/177 98
Municipal Institution "Odesa Pedagogical Professional College" 104 3781 118.7 138.5 78/216 99
Odesa Private Lyceum with Primary School and Gymnasium "Ascent" LLC 105 3798 118.7 139.5 12/33 97
Odesa Lyceum No. 122 of Odesa City Council 106 3839 118.6 138.9 34/102 99
Oleksii Solianyk Odesa Maritime Vocational College of Maritime and Fishery Fleet 107 3917 118.4 135.6 229/666 99
Odesa Lyceum №78 of Odesa City Council 108 3957 118.2 138.4 40/117 98
Odesa Lyceum No. 23 of Odesa City Council 109 3985 118.1 138.5 34/87 99
National University "Odesa Law Academy" 110 4053 117.9 136 166/492 97
Naval lyceum 111 4095 117.8 137 97/285 99
Odesa Trade and Economic Vocational College 112 4106 117.8 137.6 61/174 99
Private institution of secondary education "Global Education Center" LLC 113 4191 117.5 138.1 13/36 97
VSP "Professional College of Industrial Automation and Information Technologies of Odesa National Technological University" 114 4209 117.5 136.6 103/282 98
VSP "Professional College of Oil and Gas Technologies, Engineering and Service Infrastructure of Odesa National Technological University" 115 4213 117.4 134.6 244/657 99
Municipal Institution "Odesa Professional College of Arts named after K.F. Dankevych" 116 4336 117.1 137.3 29/78 96
VSP "Odesa Technical Vocational College of Odesa National Technological University" 117 4391 116.9 133.4 271/765 98
Odesa Lyceum No. 19 of Odesa City Council of Odesa Oblast 118 4395 116.9 137.3 12/36 100
Odesa Lyceum No. 31 of Odesa City Council 119 4406 116.9 136.4 68/198 96
VSP "Odesa Automobile and Road Specialized College of the State University "Odesa Polytechnic" 120 4448 116.8 135.8 104/288 100
Odesa Lyceum No. 30 of Odesa City Council 121 4476 116.7 136.9 23/69 97
Odesa Lyceum No. 118 of Odesa City Council 122 4489 116.6 136.5 47/120 98
Odesa secondary school No. 26 of the Odesa City Council of Odesa Oblast 123 4591 116.3 136.7 13/27 100
State Educational Institution "Odesa Higher Vocational School of Maritime Tourist Service" 124 4607 116.2 136.4 33/69 99
Odesa Secondary School No. 58 of Odesa City Council of Odesa Oblast 125 4630 116.2 136.1 33/96 99
Odesa Lyceum No. 16 of Odesa City Council 126 4719 116 136.1 21/60 97
Medical Professional College of the International Humanitarian University 127 4793 115.8 135.1 70/204 99
Odesa Lyceum with enhanced military and physical training of Odesa City Council 128 4852 115.6 134.8 75/213 99
Odesa private educational institution "Tikva - Or Sameach" 129 4912 115.4 135.4 22/66 94
Odesa Lyceum No. 59 of Odesa City Council 130 4985 115.2 135.4 11/24 100
Odesa Lyceum No. 130 of Odesa City Council 131 4990 115.2 135.1 28/81 99
Kherson Hydrometeorological Specialized College of Odesa State Environmental University 132 5081 114.9 134.9 26/66 98
State Educational Institution "Odesa Professional Lyceum of Civil Engineering and Architecture" 133 5222 114.5 134.4 20/54 98
State Educational Institution "Odesa Higher Vocational School of Trade and Food Technology" 134 5258 114.4 134.3 19/45 100
Professional College of the International University 135 5365 114.1 134 16/36 97
Odesa Professional College of Economics, Law and Hotel and Restaurant Business 136 5407 113.9 133.3 46/135 98
Professional College of the National University "Odesa Law Academy" 137 5449 113.8 133.5 23/66 94
Odesa Lyceum No. 51 of Odesa City Council 138 5520 113.6 133.3 18/48 100
Odesa Secondary School No. 107 of Odesa City Council of Odesa Oblast 139 5581 113.3 133 22/54 98
Odesa Secondary School No. 113 of Odesa City Council of Odesa Oblast 140 5680 113 132.7 18/48 98
Military Training Department of the Professional College of Maritime Transport of the National University "Odesa Maritime Academy" 141 5733 112.8 132.7 6/18 100
Odesa secondary school №77 of Odesa city council of Odesa region 142 5775 112.7 132.3 20/54 96
Odesa Professional College of Transport Technologies 143 5885 112.3 130.6 96/273 99
Odesa Secondary School No. 46 with vocational education of Odesa City Council of Odesa Oblast 144 5922 112.2 131.6 25/69 96
SE "Medical Professional College of the International University" 145 6154 111.2 130.6 13/36 94
Odesa Secondary School No. 52 of the Odesa City Council of Odesa Oblast 146 6293 110.6 130 13/36 94
Odesa secondary school № 39 of Odesa city council of Odesa region 147 6410 110.1 129.3 13/39 97
Odesa Secondary School No. 66 of the Odesa City Council of Odesa Oblast 148 6463 109.8 129.1 8/24 96
Odesa Secondary School No. 79 of Odesa City Council of Odesa Oblast 149 6510 109.6 128.7 17/48 96
VSP "Mechanical and Technological College of Odesa National Technological University" 150 6596 109.1 127.7 50/141 97
State Educational Institution "Odesa Professional Lyceum of the Service Sector of the South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushynsky" 151 6662 108.8 127.7 23/48 98
Odesa Educational Complex No. 125 "Secondary school of i-iii grades - kindergarten" of Odesa City Council of Odesa Oblast 152 6679 108.7 127.7 13/33 94
SE "United Higher Vocational School of Services of the National University "Odesa Law Academy" 153 6984 106.6 125 33/84 94
State Educational Institution "Odesa Professional Lyceum of Maritime Transport" 154 7254 103.3 120.8 68/150 95
Odesa Lyceum "Olympian" of Odesa City Council 155 7343 101.2 118.7 31/81 93

Ігор Льов

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