Sept. 22, 2024, 10:35 a.m.
Eight entrepreneurs from Mykolaiv received financial support in the amount of UAH 410 thousand each to implement their business ideas. A total of 16 entrepreneurs from Mykolaiv and neighboring communities took part in the competition.
This was reported by the press service of the Mykolaiv Development Agency.
The participants were trained, consulted by mentors, and presented their business plans for evaluation by the committee. A week before the final of the competition, the evaluation committee received business plans, budgets, and project descriptions.
All projects were evaluated according to several criteria, including team, market, product, budget realism, sustainability of the business idea, and social component. Each participant could receive up to 30 points for the business plan and another 10 points for the presentation.
As a result, five winners were selected:
- The SAMPLE First Aid Courses project by Tatiana Vyaznikova (219 points);
- "You Are Special" Center for Child Correction and Development by Anzhela Zakharova (218 points);
- Car Service Station "Kardan" by Kateryna Pisna(211 points);
- Project "R.A.I. Color Center" by Iryna Hubanova (206 points),
- Project "ADAPT" - adaptive sports for vulnerable groups of people" by Maryna Fominykh (204 points).
In addition, the international partners and organizers of the competition decided to support three more entrepreneurs:
- Olga Bandura' s project "Molecular cuisine in the Funprostir Family Cafe" (197 points);
- Project "Garage District Car Repair Shop" by Yuriy Beshevets (178 points);
- Project "Creation of a textile printing workshop "Kasta Yavkine" by Oleksandr Kovryga (178 points).
Project manager Anna Nikulina noted that the competition was conducted in a transparent manner, and each participant had the opportunity to receive unlimited consultations from mentors.
The winners of the competition expressed their gratitude for the opportunity to implement their projects, and one of the participants, Anzhela Zakharova, shared that her victory was an incentive to create a comfortable and safe space for children, which is an important investment in the country's future.
The competition was organized by the Pivden Adult Learning and Education Center in cooperation with the Mykolaiv Development Agency. The Social Entrepreneurship in Mykolaiv project is being implemented with the support of USAID as part of the Building Public Trust program.
Last year, 9 residents of the Bashtanka district received microgrants from the State Employment Service totaling UAH 2 million 207 thousand 851.
In 2024, 12 entrepreneurs and one farm in the district have already received microgrants to start and develop businesses in such industries as land management, dental practice, retail, crop production, hairdressing, accounting, clothing and accessories, and grain growing.
The Recovery and Development Office also launched a new project called the Mykolaiv Entrepreneurs Support Window. The project aims to increase the competitiveness of local businesses. Thus, entrepreneurs will receive free information and consulting services, a telegram community, access to information about grants, and training support.
In addition, entrepreneurs from Mykolaiv region will be able to receive a €5,000 grant from EU4Business to restore their business operations. EU4Business reported that this is a new wave of grants for microbusinesses with financial support from the European Union and the German Government. As part of this wave, 100 entrepreneurs from the de-occupied and war-affected territories will be able to receive grant money.
Анна Бальчінос