Nov. 22, 2024, 3:28 p.m.
On November 21, the Russian military launched a ballistic missile from the Kedr system at the Dnipro River.
According to the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, the flight time of the missile from the moment of launch from the Astrakhan region to the impact in the Dnipro was 15 minutes. The missile was equipped with six warheads, each of which was armed with six submunitions. The speed on the final section of the trajectory was more than Mach 11, i.e. 13.585 km/h.
The intelligence noted that a number of enterprises of the military-industrial complex of the Russian Federation are involved in the development of the Kedr mobile missile system:
According to the DIU, the Kedr missile system was tested at the 4th State Central Interspecies Test Site in Kapustin Yar, Astrakhan region. The tests took place in October 2023 and June 2024.
"The Defense Intelligence of Ukraine reminds that every war crime committed against the Ukrainian people will be punished with due and just retribution," the statement said.
Олеся Ланцман