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Aug. 17, 2024, 9:05 p.m.

Odesa City Hall Selects Contractors to Repair Infectious Disease Hospital Buildings for UAH 202 Million

Odesa Infectious Diseases Hospital. Photo: Alexey M/Wikipedia

(Odesa Infectious Diseases Hospital. Photo: Alexey M/Wikipedia)

The Capital Construction Department of the Odesa City Council has held two procurements to select companies that will carry out major repairs of the buildings of the city's infectious diseases hospital on Pastera Street for a total of over UAH 202 million.

The relevant information is available in the Prozorro electronic procurement system.

It is about the overhaul of the building letter "H" and the repair and restoration of the interior finishing works of the Valikhovsky building letter "M".

Both procurements were held on August 13 in the format of open bidding with the peculiarity that the selected contractors had no competitors.

The first tender was awarded to the Private Joint Stock Company "Repair and Construction Site Odeskolovpostach". The company expects to spend UAH 54 million 403.4 thousand, and plans to complete the work by December 31, 2025.

According to the YouControl service, the company was registered in 1998. It is currently owned by Oleksandr Fridman.

Earlier, on February 23, the Capital Construction Department of the Odesa City Council terminated the agreement with Odeskolovpostach Repair and Construction Site PJSC for the reconstruction of the Kyiv District Court building by mutual agreement.

As for the second one, it was decided to give the repair and restoration of interior finishing works in the M building to the limited liability company Exterior Design. The cost of this renovation is 2.7 times higher than the first one, at UAH 148 million 264.8 thousand.

In May, the department tried to find a contractor for these works, but then the auction was canceled due to the inability to eliminate violations that arose due to the identified violations of the requirements of the legislation in the field of public procurement, namely the discrepancy between the amounts of VAT in the contract price and the form of the tender offer. At that time, ABZ Prombud LLC was waiting for the agreement to be concluded, and it was ready to work for UAH 148 million 307.5 thousand.

This is not the first time tenders for the repair of the infectious diseases hospital have been announced. In August 2023, the Capital Construction Department of the Odesa City Council chose a contractor to repair the B building. At that time, the cost of the work was estimated at UAH 64 million 713 thousand. But the tender was later canceled. The agreement was concluded with Olimp Bud Development, a limited liability company. The procurement was conducted in the format of an open tender with special conditions, so the company had no competitors.

Exterior Design LLC was registered in 2004 in Odesa. The owner is Olga Shelepalo, an Odesa resident.

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