Aug. 31, 2024, 12:01 p.m.

Fecal water pollution: which beaches in Mykolaiv are dangerous to swim on

Цей матеріал також доступний українською


Photo: Mykolaiv Regional Center for Disease Control and Prevention

Photo: Mykolaiv Regional Center for Disease Control and Prevention

Four beaches in Mykolaiv have been declared unsafe for swimming and recreation. These conclusions were made by experts based on the results of recent laboratory tests in the region.

This was reported by the Mykolaiv Regional Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

Last week, 8 water samples were taken from different beaches and recreation areas. The results showed that on some beaches the content of harmful bacteria exceeds the permissible limits:

  • On Strelka beach, the number of lactose-positive E. coli exceeds the norm by 3.9 times.
  • On Chaika beach, the content of E. coli is also 3.9 times higher than the norm, and the level of coli-phages is 7 times higher than the norm.
  • In the recreational area "Namiv", the excess of lactose-positive E. coli is 4.8 times higher.
  • On the Pervomaiskyi city beach "Rainbow" E. coli is 1.4 times higher than normal, and coli-phages - 3.5 times.

The Center added that no pathogenic microorganisms were detected, and the water quality at the Yuzhnoukrainska beach meets the standards.

"Local residents and tourists are advised to avoid swimming on beaches where the exceedance was detected until the situation improves. Follow hygienic rules and avoid swimming in dangerous areas," the statement said.

Marina Averina, a spokeswoman for the State Emergency Service in Odesa region, said on Intent.Insight that the State Emergency Service did not approve the opening of most beaches in Odesa for the current season.

According to her, there are a large number of people on the beaches now, and they do not go to shelters during the air raid. This could lead to numerous casualties if the enemy uses cluster munitions.
