Sept. 6, 2024, 11:59 a.m.

Counterfeits worth millions: production of "branded" clothes stopped in Odesa

Цей матеріал також доступний українською


Photo: BAB

Photo: BAB

A group of people organized an underground production and sale of clothing in Odesa, which was sold under the guise of products of well-known world brands.

This was reported by the Bureau of Economic Security.

Detectives of the Territorial Department of the Bureau of Economic Security (BES) identified the persons who organized the illegal operation of sewing shops, warehouses and shops for the sale of counterfeit goods.

The Bureau noted that the offenders used trademarks and names of popular brands without permission.

During the searches in Odesa, law enforcement officers found two workshops where counterfeit clothing was manufactured, as well as a warehouse with a large stock of counterfeit goods and two stores where these goods were sold.

In addition to clothing, they seized footwear, accessories, mobile phones, office equipment, industrial equipment and documents. The total value of the seized property is estimated at over UAH 20 million.

Several examinations are currently scheduled to confirm the illegal activity. The pre-trial investigation is being conducted under Part 3 of Art. 229 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, which provides for liability for the illegal use of trademarks and trade names.

In July, the BES detectives exposed a resident of Odesa who had set up an underground coffee production facility. He sold the products under the guise of global brands at markets, on the Internet and in local kiosks.

The law enforcement also exposed three residents of Odesa region who set up an illegal business selling alcoholic beverages. During the searches, almost two million hryvnias worth of property was seized from them.

Prior to that, the BES detectives exposed a resident of Odesa who was storing counterfeit cigarettes of well-known brands. The total value of the goods is almost UAH 6 million.
