Dec. 7, 2024, 10:31 a.m.
AMCU forced to cancel illegal conditions for business in Mykolaiv region
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Photo: AMCU
Antitrust authorities forced the Ochakiv City Council to change the conditions for setting up kiosks in the city to be legal. From now on, entrepreneurs will not have to pay for unnecessary requirements.
This was reported by the press service of the Southern Interregional Territorial Department of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine.
They noted that the Ochakiv City Council has corrected its decision on temporary structures for entrepreneurs who previously violated competition law.
The inspection showed that the city council required the conclusion of agreements on equity participation in the improvement of the city for the installation of temporary structures (kiosks), but the terms of these agreements contained provisions that contradicted the law. In particular, additional obligations were imposed on entrepreneurs, and unauthorized installation of structures was subject to double fines.
The antimonopoly authority ordered the city council to correct the violations by November 2024. Within the deadline, the Ochakiv City Council amended its decision to make it compliant with the laws of Ukraine. The documents on the implementation of the decision were submitted to the relevant authority.
Recently, the Arbuzyn village council chose a carrier without a competitive procedure. Antimonopoly authorities gave the local government 90 days to remedy the situation.
The AMCU also opened a case against Mykolaivkomuntrans. The utility was suspected of establishing a monopoly and violating competition in the waste industry. For several years, the company has held a dominant position in the market of solid waste collection and disposal services in the Mykolaiv region.
Two bidders were caught in fraudulent practices during the procurement of heat meters for Mykolaivoblteploenergo. Violations were recorded during the participation of these entities in tenders held by utilities in different cities.