Oct. 26, 2024, 9:34 p.m.

More than 9 million was spent on feeding students of 26 schools in Prymorskyi district

Цей матеріал також доступний українською


Photo: UNIAN

Photo: UNIAN

The Center for Financing and Economic Activities and Institutions of the Education System of the Prymorskyi District of Odesa has announced a tender to select a company that will supply meals for schoolchildren.

The relevant information is available in the electronic procurement system Prozorro.

It is about meals for students in grades 1-4. The number of children to be fed is 4,405. This includes 3,536 children who will be fed breakfast, and 867 children who will eat lunch. Two more children need gluten-free and lactose-free meals. Number of days of meals: 35 days. The number of children and the number of days of meals are indicative and subject to change. In total, we are talking about 26 schools.

Open bidding with peculiarities means that almost all terms are shorter than in open bidding according to the Law on Public Procurement. That is, this procurement is much faster than open bidding.

The period for submitting proposals is seven calendar days, and the period for challenging qualifications is five calendar days. Often, there is no auction during such tenders, so the participant has no competitors.

However, the year before last, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine temporarily changed the rules of bidding for the period of martial law in Ukraine and within 90 days from the date of its termination or cancellation. The government temporarily canceled electronic auctions. Since then, tenders announced in Prozorro can be held without an auction.

Earlier, the Center for Financing and Economic Activity and Educational Institutions of Khadzhybeyskyi District of Odesa conducted a procurement to select a company that will supply food for schoolchildren. The procurement was held in the format of an open tender with special features on October 25, and the only participant was the private enterprise Ration Group.

Кирило Бойко
