Jan. 14, 2025, 7:52 a.m.
(Photo: oppb.com.ua)
On January 1, 2025, amendments to the Procedure for Preliminary, Periodic and Extraordinary Psychiatric Examinations, including for the use of psychoactive substances, came into force, and the Ministry of Health of Ukraine explained who needs to undergo them and when.
The Ministry of Health has also improved the process of conducting psychiatric examinations and tightened requirements for medical institutions that conduct them. This was done, among other things, to prevent abuses during psychiatric examinations, for example, when certificates of completion are issued without the fact of examination, and the institutions that conduct them do not have the appropriate specialists.
We explain the main points that most often raise questions among employees.
Not all employees are required to undergo psychiatric examinations. This requirement applies only to certain categories of people who perform activities with increased requirements for mental health.
The list of activities (works, professions, services) that require mandatory preliminary (pre-employment) psychiatric examination is available here.
In addition, certain types of activities require periodic (during employment) psychiatric examinations. For example, periodic psychiatric examinations must be performed by
Depending on the profession, the examinations may be:
Preliminary - before appointment or commencement of work.
Periodic - at certain times to maintain admission to perform professional duties.
Extraordinary - at the request of the employer or in cases of suspected mental disorder (with the employee's consent).
The frequency depends on the type of activity. For example:
That is, if the frequency of the examination for your profession is, for example, three years, then the next examination will need to be held after this period, even if the certificate has already expired. The certificate only indicates the fact of passing the previous examination, and not the obligation to pass the next one earlier than the approved period.
Ukrainian legislation stipulates that the costs of psychiatric examinations for employees are covered by the employer. In particular, Article 169 "Mandatory Medical Examinations of Employees of Certain Categories" of the Labor Code of Ukraine states that the employer is obliged to organize preliminary (upon hiring) and periodic (during employment) medical examinations of employees engaged in heavy work, work with harmful or dangerous working conditions or where there is a need for professional selection, as well as annual mandatory medical examinations of persons under the age of 21 at its own expense.
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