Sept. 27, 2024, 11:25 a.m.

Almost 20 elderly political prisoners are being held behind bars in Crimea

(Photo: Radio Liberty)

Russians are holding 17 political prisoners over the age of 60 in colonies and pre-trial detention centers in occupied Crimea.

This was reported by the press service of the Crimean Tatar Resource Center (CTRC).

The post says that most of them have been sentenced to terms of 5 to 18 years in prison. Among them is Serhiy Tsyhypa, a journalist and writer from Nova Kakhovka, Kherson region.

The CTRC published a full list of elderly people enslaved by the occupation authorities of Crimea: Abbozov Seityaga - 66 years old; Aliev Renat - 60 years old; Bekirov Inver - 61 years old; Gaziev Servet - 64 years old; Goldenberg Valeria - 63 years old; Dovgopola Galina - 69 years old; Eyupov Azamat - 61 years old; Kiselev Oleksiy - 60 years old; Lytvyniuk Oleksandr - 63 years old; Maladyka Volodymyr - 62 years old; Mambetov Khalil - 69 years old; Muratov Zekirya - 67 years old; Nagayev Ruslan - 60 years old; Omerov Enver - 62 years old; Prykhodko Oleh - 66 years old; Seidaliev Nasrullah - 64 years old; Tsygipa Serhiy - 63 years old.

The Center called on Russia to immediately release all of the above-mentioned people and other political prisoners, as well as to stop systematically violating human rights in Crimea.

The organization noted that such terms of imprisonment can be fatal for elderly Crimean political prisoners. Especially if they have severe and chronic diseases, which are aggravated by the conditions of detention in the pre-trial detention center or colony, systematic ignoring of complaints by the administration of the institutions and inadequate, untimely medical care.

"According to the Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners, all prisoners are entitled to regular medical care, which they usually do not receive. And long sentences in colonies and prisons for elderly people with health problems are a separate form of torture," the organization said in a statement.

Володимир Шкаєв

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