Sept. 5, 2024, 6:57 p.m.

Kherson Hromada Signs Partnership Agreement with Bratislava City District - Ruzhynov

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Photo: Roman Mrochko / Facebook

Photo: Roman Mrochko / Facebook

On September 4, a partnership agreement was signed between the Kherson City Territorial Community and the Bratislava-Ružinov City District (Republic of Slovakia).

According to Roman Mrochko, head of the Kherson MCA, Kherson community was represented at the signing by Deputy Mayor Vitaliy Belobrov.

The official's post says that the Bratislava-Ruzhynov City District supports the country and, in particular, the Kherson community in its struggle for free life and territorial integrity.

Photo: Roman Mrochko / Facebook

"We, Ukrainians, are going through difficult trials, defending our dignity and independence, paying the highest price to make our European dreams come true, because Russia's war against Ukraine is another attempt to destroy European values. Slovakia, along with the entire civilized world, supports us in this confrontation, and thanks to this, we feel like a part of a big European family right now," Mrochko added.

For his part, Vitaliy Belobrov said that it was in the Slovak capital that most Ukrainians were sheltered, and in Ruzhynov - the most in Bratislava. He expressed the gratitude of all Ukrainians for the warm welcome and support for those who were forced to leave their homes, and for the humanitarian aid that continues to flow to Ukrainian cities.

Belobrov and the mayor of the Slovak capital and the governor of the region also discussed areas of cooperation and available opportunities.

Photo: Roman Mrochko / Facebook

Earlier it was reported that during a meeting between Vitaliy Belobrov and the mayor of Stavanger, a partnership agreement was signed between the Kherson City Military Administration and the municipality of Stavanger, which will promote fruitful cooperation between communities and the development of relations in various spheres of public life.

It was also mentioned that the German city of Kiel is now an official partner of Kherson.
