Sept. 18, 2024, 11:28 a.m.

Two residents of Kherson region helped the occupiers achieve their goals in the region

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Photo: Kherson Regional Prosecutor's Office

Photo: Kherson Regional Prosecutor's Office

In Kherson region, the "chairman and member of the PEC in Mykilske" will be tried for organizing and holding a pseudo-referendum.

This was reported by the press service of the Kherson Regional Prosecutor's Office.

The post says that under the procedural guidance of the Kherson Regional and Oleshky District Prosecutor's Offices, indictments against two residents of the region on the fact of collaboration (Part 2 of Article 28, Part 5 of Article 111-1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine) were sent to court.

The investigation established that in September 2022, the accused voluntarily headed the so-called "precinct election commission" that operated in the village of Mykilske and prepared a pseudo-referendum on the region's secession from Ukraine and accession to Russia. As the "head of the PEC", he recruited staff and organized work in the "district". He agitated local residents to participate in the "expression of will". He equipped the premises for "voting", managed the arrangement of booths and the placement of attributes of the aggressor country, and accounted for ballots.

It is noted that the other defendant became a member of this "DC". She made house-to-house visits to local residents, agitating them to participate in the"voting", distributed relevant materials with Russian symbols. She arranged the premises of the "polling station" and supervised the arrangement of booths with Russian attributes for "voting".

The special pre-trial investigation was conducted by the SBU in Kherson region.

Earlier it was reported that two women would be tried for participating in the organization and conduct of the pseudo-referendum in Muzykivka. The investigation established that in September 2022, the defendants joined the so-called "precinct election commission" that was preparing a "referendum" on joining the Russian Federation in the village of Muzykivka.

Володимир Шкаєв
