Oct. 28, 2024, 1:03 p.m.

Two henchmen of Russians who ran occupation administrations in Kherson region will be tried

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Photo: generated by AI

Photo: generated by AI

Prosecutors have completed an investigation against the head of the occupation administration of the village of Ingulets and the so-called "deputy" occupation head of Henichesk in Kherson region.

According to the Prosecutor's Office of Kherson region, in August 2022, a resident of the village of Ingulets cooperated with the enemy, taking the position of the so-called "head of the Ingulets village settlement of the Belozersk settlement territorial military-civilian administration". In this pseudo-position, in an illegally created body in the temporarily occupied territory, the accused performed organizational, administrative and economic functions. He contributed to the legalization of the occupation regime and made decisions on local issues. For his actions, the man faces up to ten years in prison with confiscation of property.

Photo: Kherson Region Prosecutor's Office

Another defendant, a resident of Henichesk, took up the position of the so-called "Deputy Chairman of the Henichesk Regional State Administration of Kherson Oblast" in May 2023. In his pseudo-position, he was responsible for housing and communal services. He participated in meetings of the illegal specialized "ministry" to prepare for the autumn-winter period, and performed other organizational and administrative functions.

Photo: Kherson Region Prosecutor's Office

For their actions, the men face up to ten years in prison with confiscation of property.

Earlier, the Security Service of Ukraine served a notice of suspicion of collaboration in absentia to 58-year-old Oleksandr Dudka for his work as a gauleiter in the resort town of Skadovsk in Kherson region. The SBU also served a notice of suspicion of collaboration in absentia to Serhiy Manuilenko, head of the occupation administration of Shyroke village in Kherson region. He faces up to ten years in prison with confiscation of property.

The pre-trial investigation of criminal proceedings against two pseudo-deputies - the notorious mayor of Kakhovka Pavlo Filipchuk and Andriy Kharytonov - who were elected as so-called "deputies" from the aggressor state'sUnited Russia political party, was also completed, and the indictments were sent to court.

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