Aug. 17, 2024, 11:57 p.m.

Supplying goods to the punitive structures of the occupiers: entrepreneurs from Kherson region are served suspicion notices

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Photo: Bar Council

Photo: Bar Council

Crimeanentrepreneur Volodymyr Taranenko, 40, and the owner of the Pryboi Trade and Industrial Firm, 63, Dmytro Bulochnik, from Henichesk, supplied furniture and building materials to the occupiers' punitive and repressive structures in the Kherson region.

This is reported by the Center for Investigative Journalism with reference to the published suspicions of Bulochnik and Taranenko.

SBU investigators found that Volodymyr Taranenko, a native and resident of Simferopol, Crimea, received a Russian passport after the illegal annexation of the peninsula by Russia and registered as an individual entrepreneur in 2022.

In April 2023, Taranenko came to the village of Henicheska Hirka in Kherson region and signed a "state contract" to supply furniture for the needs of the main department of the occupation Ministry of Internal Affairs of Kherson region for a total amount of almost 2.9 million rubles. Soon after, he delivered furniture worth 505 thousand Russian rubles and thus profited from the interaction with the illegal authorities established in the temporarily occupied territory.

In 2023,Dmytro Bulochnik from the city of Henichesk illegally registered his private enterprise, the Priboy Trade and Industrial Firm, in the Russian jurisdiction. And in May 2023, he signed a contract for the supply of construction materials worth almost 257 thousand rubles to the occupation penitentiary institution, the Kherson Oblast Penitentiary Service.

Taranenko and Bulochnik's actions were classified as collaboration. Both of them face a fine of up to ten thousand tax-free minimum incomes or imprisonment for a term of three to five years, with disqualification to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a term of 10 to 15 years and confiscation of property.


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