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Sept. 1, 2024, 12:33 p.m.

Occupation authorities of Crimea plan to introduce compulsory military training in the peninsula's universities

Цей матеріал також доступний українською


The youth army in Crimea. Photo: Unarmy

The youth army in Crimea. Photo: Unarmy

Compulsory military training is being introduced for all third-year students in the Crimean Federal University named after Vernadsky, created by Russia

This was reported by activists of the Yellow Ribbon movement.

"Our activists report that this innovation has already been officially announced in a number of institutes: the Institute of Physics and Technology, the Institute of Communications and Information, and even the Institute of Philology," the activists said.

At the same time, the university's website reported back in July that in the new academic year, a new module, "Fundamentals of Military Training," would be introduced to the program for bachelor's students. As part of this module, "combat veterans and participants of a special military operation (i.e. the war in Ukraine - ed.)" will teach students to provide first aid, navigate the terrain without a map, and "the basic provisions of the general military regulations."

Earlier, the occupation authorities of Simferopol reported that they intend to build a military sports town to teach students military professions. The training will include field, sports training, maritime and basic military training.

It is known that about 100 members of the Unarmy have already gone to fight in the Russian Armed Forces against Ukraine. Agitators from the military registration and enlistment office visit educational institutions and offer to sign a contract instead of military service in order to recruit "volunteers" and send them to the front. The propaganda is conducted during excursions and at public events with propaganda concerts.

The head of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people , Refat Chubarov , also stated that in virtually all Crimean schools, Russians are militarizing children by involving them in weaving camouflage nets for the Russian military.
