Sept. 1, 2024, 3:32 p.m.

Headed the village occupation administration in Kherson region: the head of Shyroke village was served with a notice of suspicion

Цей матеріал також доступний українською


Serhiy Manuilenko. Photo: freeze frame of a propaganda video

Serhiy Manuilenko. Photo: freeze frame of a propaganda video

The Security Service of Ukraine served a notice of suspicion of collaboration in absentia to Serhiy Manuilenko, head of the occupation administration of Shyroke village in Kherson region. He faces up to ten years in prison with confiscation of property.

This became known from the text of the suspicion.

Investigators found that in the summer of 2022, 46-year-old Serhiy Manuilenko , a resident of the village of Shyroke in the Skadovsk city community of the Skadovsk district of Kherson region, voluntarily agreed to become the head of the local occupation administration. While in office, he recruited personnel to the illegally created government body and distributed material assistance from Russians to ensure loyalty to the invaders.

Earlier, under the procedural supervision of the Kherson Regional and Skadovsk District Prosecutor's Offices, a deputy of the Kalanchak village council was served in absentia with a notice of suspicion of collaboration. According to the investigation, the 63-year-old suspect joined Putin'sUnited Russia party in the summer of 2023 and in September, as a candidate for deputy, took part in the elections to the illegal authority - the Council of Deputies of the Kalanchak Municipal District of the first convocation.

Also, the pre-trial investigation of criminal proceedings against two pseudo-deputies - the notorious Kakhovka gauleiter Pavlo Filipchuk and Andriy Kharytonov - who were elected as so-called "deputies" from the aggressor state'sUnited Russia political party, has been completed, and the indictments have been sent to court.

Prior to that, the Velyko Oleksandrivskyi District Court of Kherson Oblast sentenced Yulia Prykhodko, the secretary of the occupying head of Novoraysk village council of Beryslav district, Kherson Oblast. Taking into account her repentance and the fact that her work for the enemy was not related to the performance of managerial functions, the court sentenced her to deprivation of the right to hold positions in government for 10 years without confiscation of property.
