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Dec. 12, 2024, 9:31 p.m.

Fate of 24 missing people in occupied Crimea still unknown

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During the occupation of Crimea, 24 people are considered missing with no information about them, 18 of them are representatives of the indigenous Crimean Tatar people.

This was reported by the Crimean Tatar Resource Center.

According to the CTRC, the following are considered missing in the occupied Crimea: Abduramanov Rizvan, Aliev Arsen, Aliev Server, Alyautdinov Marcel, Apseliamov Eskender, Aripov Shevket, Arislanov Mukhtar, Bondarets Ivan, Vashchuk Valeriy, Ganiev Ruslan, Dzhepparov Islyam, Zinedine Seyran, Ibragimov Erwin, Islyamov Dzhevdet, Kaplienko Maksym, Klapova Kateryna, Kostenko Fedir, Soliev Farhad, Suyunov Arsen, Terekhov Arlen, Chernysh Vasyl, Shaimardanov Timur, Shevketov Marlen and Shemshedinov Ismail.

Unfortunately, the Kremlin-controlled de facto Crimean authorities are only creating the appearance of investigating these cases, despite the fact that according to UN General Assembly Resolution A/RES/71/205, Russia is named an occupying power and is responsible for the observance of human rights in this territory.

The CTRC staff and experts have repeatedly informed the international community about these blatant human rights violations at international platforms of the UN, OSCE, and PACE. Human rights activists condemn the actions of the Russian authorities and demand that Russia immediately release all Crimean political prisoners, stop political persecution and repression in the temporarily occupied territory, and comply with international humanitarian law and stop human rights violations.

Since 2017, 10,018 violations of fundamental human rights have been recorded in the Russian-annexed Crimea, 6,730 of which were committed against members of the indigenous Crimean Tatar people. Therefore, on the International Human Rights Day, which is celebrated on December 10, the CTRC is launching a social media storm"De-occupation of Crimea - return of human rights". They call on everyone to post on their social media one of the posters offered on their website, which were developed by activists of the international movement for the de-occupation of Crimea and solidarity with the Crimean Tatar people #LIBERATECRIMEA and designed by Ukrainian artist Andriy Yermolenko.

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