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Sept. 2, 2024, 6:58 p.m.

A fake about a stolen shelter is being spread in Kherson

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Photo: Screenshot of the Kherson MBA video

Photo: Screenshot of the Kherson MBA video

The Kherson community is spreading information on social media that the anti-shrapnel shelter installed in Kherson at the end of last week as part of the SafePlace4UA project and the Aurora supermarket chain is allegedly the same shelter that was previously installed at 8 Dorofeeva Street.

One of the readers wrote about this in a comment under the post about the installation of a new shelter.

According to the Department of Media and Public Relations of the Kherson City Council, the shelter that was previously installed at this address, according to the information previously provided by Natalia Chornenka, head of the Korabelnyi District Council in Kherson, "was taken to a more suitable location. There is another one across the street from this one. The church near which the shelter was set up is now closed, and there are almost no people there. And there is a debris shelter at the bus stop next to it."

Photo: Screenshot of the Kherson MBA video

As for the message that this reader comments on, the city administration only helped with the equipment. The shelter was purchased and installed solely on the initiative of philanthropists.

Earlier, it was reported that a poorly installed, dangerous street anti-submarine shelter was put in order in Kherson. At the end of August last year, Intent wrote that some mobile shelters in Kherson were installed poorly and inconveniently. One such example was shown in the very center of the city by journalist Olena Malyarenko. After the publication, all the shortcomings made during the installation of the shelter were eliminated.

"Today, all the shortcomings made during the installation of the shelter have been eliminated. Yes, indeed, it was installed differently than usual because there were technical obstacles - the full installation of the shelter was hampered by the roof of another building. Now everything has been settled and all the shortcomings have been eliminated," Natalia Chekhuta, the first deputy head of the Kherson MVA, told Intent.
