Sept. 2, 2024, 3:28 p.m.

Mykolaiv announces bidding for manual road cleaning in one of the districts

Цей матеріал також доступний українською


PHOTO: Telegraph

PHOTO: Telegraph

Mykolaiv has announced a tender for road cleaning in one of the city's districts. The city plans to spend almost three million hryvnias from the budget.

This is evidenced by data from the public procurement system Prozorro.

The administration of the Zavodskyi district of Mykolaiv City Council has announced an auction for manual road cleaning. The expected cost of the work is UAH 2 million 755 thousand 300. The auction is scheduled for September 9.

The selected contractor will have to clean the streets of garbage until December 31 this year. The area to be cleaned is 840,000 square meters.

According to the terms of reference, the contractor will have to remove vegetation, clean the roadway, and remove dust and debris from the roads. The removed garbage will need to be taken to the city landfill. The services are to be performed using machinery and involve at least 30 employees.

At the end of August, the Korabelnyi district administration decided to repair almost four square meters of the road. More than UAH 7 million is planned to be spent from the budget for this purpose. The road surface of Svyatotroitska Street from Oleh Olzhycha Street to an unnamed lane in Korabelnyi District is to be overhauled.

Mykolaivvodokanal is also looking for a contractor to repair the sidewalks after they were torn up on the city streets. They are ready to spend over a million hryvnias for all the works. According to the tender documentation, the project involves the restoration of sidewalk pavement made of small-sized curly elements after repairs to water supply and sewerage networks in four districts of the city. The project does not specify where exactly the repairs are to be carried out.

Earlier, Mykolaiv was looking for a contractor to be paid almost UAH 2.5 million to repair the driveway and sidewalk along the houses on one of the city's streets. The winning company will have to repair 1073 square meters of road, and before that, it will have to cut down trees and uproot stumps.
