Oct. 15, 2024, 10:28 a.m.

Podilsk selects contractor to build a school shelter for 63 million

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Photo: Dmytro Polishchuk/Souspilne

Photo: Dmytro Polishchuk/Souspilne

The Department of Housing, Architecture and Land Relations of the Podil City Council of Odesa Oblast has selected a contractor to build a shelter at the city's school No. 9.

The relevant information is available in the Prozorro electronic procurement system.

The procurement was conducted in the format of an open tender with special conditions. However, a full-fledged auction was held with the participation of four companies. Initially, the winner was Phoenix Leko, a limited liability company that agreed to work for UAH 62 million 999 thousand 999.9, but the company had until October 11 to eliminate inconsistencies in the tender documentation and failed to do so, which is why its proposal was rejected. Therefore, the closest competitor, Adonia Company LLC, which is ready to work for UAH 63 million, automatically became the new candidate for the contract under this tender.

That is, the difference between the offers of these companies reached 10 kopecks. However, this happened at the second step of the auction, when one bidder starts to lower the price, and others try to outbid him. At the same time, the system takes into account offers automatically, so it is enough to offer even one kopeck less than the competitor to win.

The expected cost of the procurement was UAH 81 million 169.2 thousand.

According to the YouControl service, Adonia Company LLC was registered in 2017 in the Dnipro region. The owner is Yevhen Hryhoryshyn. Meanwhile, Phoenix Leko was registered in 2012 in Kharkiv. Currently, the owner is Mykhailo Kabaniuk from Kyiv region.

The company will have to build a shelter by September 1, 2025, if the agreement is concluded.

Open bidding with special features means that almost all terms are shorter than in open bidding under the Public Procurement Law. This means that this procurement is much faster than open tenders. The period for submitting proposals is seven calendar days, and the period for challenging qualifications is five calendar days. Often, there is no auction during such tenders, so the participant has no competitors.

However, after the beginning of the full-scale aggression of the Russian Federation in 2022, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine temporarily changed the rules for conducting tenders for the period of martial law in Ukraine and within 90 days from the date of its termination or cancellation. Thus, the government temporarily canceled electronic auctions. Since then, tenders announced in Prozorro can be held without an auction.

Кирило Бойко
