Oct. 6, 2024, 10:57 p.m.

Local MP's company to repair canteen in Artsyz lyceum for UAH 9.5 million

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Photo: Dream

Photo: Dream

The Department of Education, Youth and Sports of the Artsyz City Council has selected a contractor - the company of a city council member - to repair the food service unit at Lyceum No. 4 with an elementary school and a gymnasium for UAH 9.5 million.

This became known from an announcement on the Prozorro electronic public procurement website.

The city's education department announced the open bidding on September 17. The works are to be completed by December 30, 2024. The expected cost of the work was to be UAH 9 million 601 thousand 881. It should be noted that this canteen renovation project took part in the DREAM system. It was reviewed and approved. So 90% of the money was allocated from the state budget, and 10% from the local budget.

Only one company took part in the tender, the Limited Liability Company "Trading and Construction Company Novyi Dim" (LLC "TBC Novyi Dim"). In their proposal, the company slightly reduced the price of the work - they offered to repair the canteen for UAH 9 million 507 thousand 508. So on October 2, the Department of Education, Youth and Sports signed an agreement with TBC Novyi Dim for the repairs.

According to the Youcontrol analytical system, TBC Novyi Dim has been on the market since January 2019. The company's main activity is roofing, but it can also do other work, including specialized construction. The owner of the company is Serhiy Gladchenko , a resident of Artsyz, who is also a deputy of the Artsyz City Council.

Since its foundation, the deputy's company has signed 49 contracts totaling UAH 15.7 million. TBC Novyi Dim LLC has only had two contracts worth more than a million. In 2021, at the request of the Horodnya Village Council, they replaced the roof of the Dmytrivske general secondary education institution - the S.S. Kurohlo preschool education institution. The contract was signed for UAH 2.8 million. And this one is for 9.5 million.

Open bidding with special features means that almost all terms are shorter than in open bidding in accordance with the Law "On Public Procurement". This means that this procurement is much faster than open tenders. The period for submitting proposals is seven calendar days, and the period for challenging qualifications is five calendar days. Often, there is no auction during such tenders, so the participant has no competitors.

However, after the beginning of the full-scale aggression of the Russian Federation in 2022, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine temporarily changed the rules for conducting tenders for the period of martial law in Ukraine and within 90 days from the date of its termination or cancellation. Thus, the government temporarily canceled electronic auctions. Since then, tenders announced in Prozorro can be held without an auction.

Earlier, Odesa City Council's Odesmisksvitlo utility company signed a UAH 5.6 million agreement with Asvit Electrical Company LLC to repair outdoor lighting and power supply networks in Arcadia.

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