Sept. 1, 2024, 7:37 p.m.

In Odesa, it was decided to build a protective structure for a rehabilitation center for 25 million

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Photo: Odesa Zoresvit Training and Rehabilitation Center

Photo: Odesa Zoresvit Training and Rehabilitation Center

The Department of Capital Construction and Roads of the Odesa Regional State Administration has announced a tender to select a contractor to build a protective structure for the Odesa Training and Rehabilitation Center Zoresvit.

The relevant information is available in the electronic procurement system Prozorro.

The auction with an expected purchase price of UAH 25 million 682.3 thousand and in the format of open bidding with special conditions is to be held on September 12. The winning company will have to complete the works by May 31, 2025.

Open bidding with special conditions means that almost all terms are shorter than in open bidding under the Law on Public Procurement. This means that this procurement is much faster than open tenders.

The period for submitting proposals is seven calendar days, and the period for challenging qualifications is five calendar days. Often, there is no auction during such tenders, so the participant has no competitors.

However, after the beginning of the full-scale aggression of the Russian Federation in 2022, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine temporarily changed the rules of bidding for the period of martial law in Ukraine and within 90 days from the date of its termination or cancellation.

Thus, the government temporarily canceled electronic auctions. Since then, tenders announced in Prozorro can be held without an auction.

"The Odesa Regional Council's Zoresvit Training and Rehabilitation Center was founded in 1952 in the resort area of Velykyi Fontan for children with visual impairments. The history of the school dates back to 1951-1952. The first students were orphans, children from single-parent families whose parents were killed at the front, and there were many overgrown children. It was the first boarding school for visually impaired children in Ukraine.

Children from all regions of the former Soviet Union who needed long-term treatment at the Filatov Eye Institute were sent to the boarding school. Thus, children from Ukraine, Russia, Moldova, Armenia and other republics studied at the school. Today, the institution teaches, educates and rehabilitates visually impaired children in the Southern region of Ukraine.
