Jan. 10, 2024, 9:20 p.m.

A fake about closing the exit for mobilization of all men is spreading online

((Photo: CPJ screenshot))

Russian propaganda continues to create fake news to sow panic in Ukrainian society. This time, they are spreading information about the closure of exits from Kyiv, allegedly for mass mobilization.

This was reported by the Center for Countering Disinformation.

In particular, Russian Telegram channels publish announcements about the closure of the bridge over the canal in Vyshhorod, Kyiv region.

However, this information is not true. The closure of the bridge is due to the start of its overhaul on the P-69 Kyiv-Vyshhorod-Desna-Chernihiv road, not because of mass mobilization.
The propagandists "forgot" to mention that a pontoon crossing will be open for the duration of the bridge closure in Vyshhorod.

"By spreading such manipulative and false messages, the racists are trying to sow panic in Ukrainian society," the Center for Countering Disinformation explained.

As we wrote earlier, after the Cabinet of Ministers registered the draft law "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine on Improving Certain Issues of Mobilization, Military Registration and Military Service" in the Verkhovna Rada, this event immediately became the reason for a small number of fakes and manipulations on the resources of hostile propaganda. The Resident Telegram dumpster posted five such messages, Legitimate - three, Pridnestrovets - two, Ukraine.ru - two, and the list goes on. Let's take a look at typical fake news on the example of a post on the openly pro-Russian Telegram channel "Typical Odesa" that specializes in scare stories about mobilization in Odesa.

We emphasize that the draft law contains 18 committees of the Verkhovna Rada, which means that the document must be approved by each of them, and only then will it be submitted for the first reading, where amendments can be added during the plenary reading.
Therefore, there is no reason for any intimidation or recommendations to do something, such as change your phone number.

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