16 серпня 2024 р. 22:28

Officials of Mykolaiv State Registration Service are served with a notice of suspicion of bribery

(PHOTO: RBC Ukraine)

Officials of one of the departments of the State Geocadastre in Mykolaiv region were notified of being suspected of bribery. They demanded money for services that the service provides free of charge.

This was reported by the press service of the Mykolaiv Regional Prosecutor's Office.

Officials of one of the departments of the administrative services department of the StateGeoCadastre in Mykolaiv region were suspected of receiving undue advantage, committed by prior conspiracy by a group of persons (Part 3 of Article 368 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

The investigation found that from January to March 2023, the deputy head of the department, together with the head of the department and the state cadastral registrar, conspired to receive undue advantage from certified land surveyors. The latter, in turn, acted on behalf of the customers. The money was received for services that were actually provided by the StateGeoCadastre Department free of charge.

The pre-trial investigation documented 9 cases of illegal activity totaling over UAH 40 thousand.

The sanction of the article provides for imprisonment for a term of five to ten years, followed by a ban on holding certain positions or engaging in certain activities for up to three years, with confiscation of property.

Recently, the SBU and NABU exposed a large-scale corruption scheme organized by the Deputy Minister of Energy of Ukraine. As a result of comprehensive measures, the Deputy Minister of Energy was detained in Kyiv on a half-million dollar bribe.

Also, prosecutors of the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor' s Office sent to court the case of a deputy of one of the district councils of Odesa region, who is accused of incitement to bribery.

In addition, in Mykolaiv, the court sentenced an intern at a city hospital who helped avoid mobilization in exchange for money. He was found guilty of abuse of influence and fined over UAH 300,000. Additionally, the doctor was ordered to transfer 100 thousand to the Armed Forces.