22 жовтня 2024 р. 14:28

More than 1500 civilians died in Kherson region as a result of occupants' actions

(Photo: Intent / Leonid Gromov)

During the first 9 months of 2024, law enforcement agencies in Kherson region registered more than 5,500 criminal offenses against peace, human security and international law and order. Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, 26,000 war crimes have been registered.

This was reported by the press service of the Kherson Regional Prosecutor's Office.

The post says that law enforcement agencies of the region are conducting a pre-trial investigation into the deaths of 1547 civilians who were victims of intentional killings, died as a result of indiscriminate shelling or were blown up by explosive devices. It is noted that as a result of the investigation of crimes against peace, human security and international law and order, 46 people were notified of suspicion during 9 months of 2024. Indictments against 45 people were sent to court. The press service added that in 2024, six representatives of the senior Russian military leadership (commanders) who have been waging an aggressive war in southern Ukraine since February 24, 2022, were exposed and prosecuted.

Work is also underway to identify and bring to justice representatives of the Russian army involved in the intentional killing of civilians. Based on the results of pre-trial investigations, indictments against four Russian military officers and a representative of the Russian police were sent to court. To date, the existence of 13 torture chambers set up by the occupation forces in the Kherson region has been preliminarily confirmed, including 11 in the de-occupied territory and two in the temporarily occupied territory. As a result of the investigation into the facts of setting up torture chambers and holding civilians in them, 24 people were notified of suspicion, and indictments against 20 perpetrators were sent to court.

Work is also underway to bring to justice those involved in property crimes. Based on the results of this work, indictments against three defendants were submitted to the court. Thus, realizing the interests of the military-political leadership of Russia in appropriating property assets of individuals and legal entities of Ukraine, the so-called "governor" ordered to export grain from Kherson. As a result, the enemy transported the 2021 barley harvest weighing more than 2.8 thousand tons and worth almost UAH 15 million from the occupied regional center to the Russian-controlled territories by three barges.

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