Oct. 2, 2024, 3:56 p.m.

Fevzi Mamutov told about the crimes of the occupiers in Crimea at the OSCE conference

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Photo: Fevzi Mamutov / Facebook

Photo: Fevzi Mamutov / Facebook

The Ukrainian and Crimean Tatar peoples are going through terrible trials. And we have no right to remain silent when crimes against humanity are committed before our eyes.

This was stated by Fevzi Mamutov, a deputy of the Odesa Regional Council, during the OSCE Human Dimension Conference in Warsaw, according to QIRIM.News.

Photo: Fevzi Mamutov / Facebook

The post says that the deputy noted that the Russian occupiers "lock people in cages for their beliefs, for the desire to live freely on their land."

Mamutov reportedly spoke about his brother, political prisoner Ali Mamutov, as an example of one of the many tragedies of the Crimean Tatar people. He expressed hope that together with the international community, we can change the lives of mothers, wives and children who are now grieving for their loved ones behind bars.

Also during the conference, the First Deputy Chairman of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people Nariman Dzhelial said that one of the most common violations of the rights of prisoners in Russian prisons is the lack of medical care. He also drew attention to the fact that two Crimean political prisoners - Dzhemil Gafarov and Konstantin Shiring- have already died in Russian colonies due to the lack of qualified medical care.

Earlier it was reported that duringa live broadcastof "Intent.Insight" Fevzi Mamutov said that there is not a single Crimean Tatar family that would not have been affected by the crime of the leadership of the former USSR - the deportation of Crimean Tatars 80 years ago. According to him, 100 percent of the Crimean Tatar population was deported from the peninsula. The MP recalled that then, from May 18, 1944, for at least 19 days, people were traveling in freight cars without any facilities that were not adapted for the transportation of people: it was a real genocide of the Crimean Tatars. Many people - including children - died on the way. He noted that a few years ago it was hard for people to believe this, but today the world has already seen the tragedies of Bucha and Mariupol, so people know that such atrocities were committed by both the Soviet leadership and the Nazis.

It was also said that the Russians are holding 17 political prisoners over the age of 60 in the colonies and pre-trial detention centers in occupied Crimea.

Володимир Шкаєв


Oct. 13, 2024, 2:57 p.m.

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