Sept. 10, 2024, 11:23 a.m.

Two residents of Kherson region helped the occupiers to establish a system of execution of sentences

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Photo: Kherson Regional Prosecutor's Office

Photo: Kherson Regional Prosecutor's Office

Two residents of the region are suspected of contributing to the functioning of the occupation penal system in the Kherson region.

This was reported by the press service of the Kherson Regional Prosecutor's Office.

The report says that under the procedural guidance of the Kherson Regional Prosecutor's Office, two residents of the region were served in absentia with a notice of suspicion of voluntarily holding positions in an illegal law enforcement agency (Part 7 of Article 111-1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

According to the investigation, the 38-year-old suspect voluntarily took a position in the Dariivka Correctional Colony in 2022. Later, he became the so-called "duty assistant to the head of the Pre-trial Detention Center No. 1 of the Kherson Oblast Penitentiary Service". Another suspect, a 32-year-old, took the position of a so-called "junior inspector of the 2nd category" in the same institution. In their pseudo-positions, the men supervised the persons held in the isolation ward and ensured that the "convicts" complied with the regime. They controlled the access control, security and inspection of the administrative building. By their actions, they contributed to the establishment of the occupation regime and the functioning of the penal system of the aggressor country.

The pre-trial investigation is carried out by the SBU Office in Kherson region.

Earlier it was reported that three local residents are suspected of holding senior positions in the occupation authorities of Kherson. According to the investigation, the suspects held senior positions in the illegal authority - the "Kherson City Territorial Community".

It was also reported that a woman who worked under a pseudonym as a department head in the occupation administration of Kherson was convicted. It was proved that in August 2022, the woman took up the position of the so-called "Head of the Social Policy Division of the Department of Social Policy" in the occupation administration of Kherson. In this position, she performed administrative and economic functions, tasks assigned to her by the "management". To avoid responsibility, she worked for the enemy under a pseudonym.


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