Sept. 23, 2024, 3:58 p.m.

The occupiers are trying to populate the occupied territories with people loyal to them

Цей матеріал також доступний українською


Photo: Center for National Resistance

Photo: Center for National Resistance

The President of the Russian Federation has issued a decree that provides social guarantees for those Russians who move to the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine.

According to the press service of the Center of National Resistance, this refers to the occupied areas of Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporizhzhia, Kherson and Crimea. It is noted that payments are promised primarily to those "seconded" specialists who bring their entire families with them. The amount of money is considerable - from three to five million Russian rubles. The most demanded by the occupation administrations are workers who can equip the borders/positions and transport goods, as well as builders to "restore" the infrastructure of Ukrainian cities destroyed by Russian troops.

The press service added that in the temporarily occupied territories, the Russians still cannot complete the formation of their occupation administrations. The occupiers are currently looking for traitors to work in the administrations and other fake structures.

For example, in the temporarily occupied territories of Kherson and other regions of Ukraine, the shortage of personnel does not allow the enemy to find traitors to work as bailiffs. Despite the high salaries and social package for the occupied region, there are no people willing to serve the enemy. As a result, the vast majority of bailiffs in the courts are Russians who have been brought in and have no desire to stay in hostile, alien land. In general, the entire repressive apparatus in the region is made up of Russians and serves only to persecute Ukrainians and imitate the trial of Ukrainians. Most cases are classified, and the accusations have no evidence.

Also, due to the shortage of energy industry specialists in the temporarily occupied territories of Kherson and Zaporizhzhia regions, the occupiers could not overcome the effects of bad weather.

Володимир Шкаєв
