Aug. 17, 2024, 8:01 p.m.

Russians plan to import garbage from Russia to the temporarily occupied Crimea

Цей матеріал також доступний українською


Photo: Center for National Resistance

Photo: Center for National Resistance

In the Bilohirsk district of the temporarily occupied Crimea , the occupation authorities plan to build a landfill for municipal solid waste worth more than a billion Russian rubles to bring here and dispose of waste from the territory of the Russian Federation.

This was reported by the Center of National Resistance.

According to them, this is supposed to be another waste dump that the occupation authorities are unable to cope with, and its location will become another environmentally dangerous point on the map of the occupied territories.

The Center also said that the Bilohirsk district of Crimea has become particularly polluted during the Russian occupation. The state of the radiation background of its territories exceeds all permissible standards. The new landfill will completely destroy the ecology of the Belogorsk district.

The issue of solid waste disposal in Crimea arose before 2014. However, during the occupation, it has become more acute. In 2021, the so-called "authorities" of the peninsula claimed to have 200 illegal landfills with a total area of more than a million square meters.

To hide the scale of the problem, the piles of garbage are covered with earth and turned into "burial grounds". Moreover, according to some experts, frequent fires at the landfills are the result of arson attacks designed to free up space for further uncontrolled waste accumulation.

Earlier, Crimea SOS reported that within the framework of the Russian national project "Ecology", the Crimean "authorities" announced the construction of three waste processing "eco-technoparks" by the end of 2024. The plants will supposedly halve the amount of waste at landfills. However, while these are only loud statements, residents of Crimean cities complain about the disappearance of containers for separate waste collection from the streets. And they suffer from unhealthy neighborhoods with landfills that leak toxic leachate.
