Sept. 15, 2024, 5:31 p.m.

Russians drop explosives from a drone in Kherson region - 4 civilians wounded

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Photo: IRS South

Photo: IRS South

At about 9 am on September 15, Russian occupants attacked the Dniprovsky district of Kherson from a drone. Four people were injured in the attack.

This was reported by the head of the Kherson City Military Administration Roman Mrochko.

According to the official, a 65-year-old man sustained a mine-blast injury and shrapnel wounds. Another man, 62 years old, sustained shrapnel wounds. Both victims are currently being examined.

Later, it became known about another wounded person as a result of a morning drone attack in Dniprovsky district. The 22-year-old victim sustained blast trauma, contusion and shrapnel wounds. After receiving the necessary medical care, she will continue to be treated on an outpatient basis. A short time later, a 34-year-old woman, the fourth person wounded this morning in the Dniprovsky district of Kherson, was treated for mine-blast trauma and contusion.

Yesterday, on September 14, residential areas of the region's settlements came under enemy fire and air strikes. As a result of Russian aggression, 2 people were killed and 7 others were injured.

Earlier, on September 13, the Russian army shelled the right bank of the Kherson region with artillery, mortars, aircraft and UAVs. One person was killed and seven others were wounded by Russian shelling.

In addition, On September 11, the Russian military shelled the Point of Unbreakability, residential areas of Kherson region, including 11 private houses. A child was injured that day as a result of a Russian drone strike on Kindiyka . Around 16:00, as a result of the explosive drop, an 11-year-old boy sustained an explosive injury and a shrapnel wound to his leg. He is currently in a medical facility.

Олеся Ланцман
