Aug. 16, 2024, 9:56 p.m.

Resident of Kherson region hands over property of medical institution to occupants

Цей матеріал також доступний українською


Photo: Kherson Regional Prosecutor's Office

Photo: Kherson Regional Prosecutor's Office

A resident of the region, who headed the occupation health care institution and transferred property to the illegal administration of Kherson region, has been served a notice of suspicion.

This was reported by the press service of the Kherson Regional Prosecutor's Office.

The report says that under the procedural guidance of the Skadovsk District Prosecutor's Office, the resident of the region was served in absentia with a notice of suspicion of collaboration and aiding the aggressor state (Part 5 of Article 111-1, Part 1 of Article 111-2 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

According to the investigation, in September 2022, the 42-year-old suspect agreed to cooperate with the occupiers and took the position of the so-called "acting chief physician of the Kherson Regional Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology". Using his official position and following the order of the illegal "head of the Department of Health", the man handed over a specialized ambulance to representatives of the occupation administration.

The pre-trial investigation is carried out by the SBU Office in Kherson region.

Earlier it was reported that a resident of the region was suspected of taking a position in the illegal "Department of Industry and Trade" and forcing Kherson enterprises to re-register with the occupation "tax office". According to the investigation, the 50-year-old suspect, having agreed to cooperate with the enemy, in June 2022 took up the position of the so-called "Deputy Head of the Department of Industry and Trade" in the occupation administration of Kherson region. It is noted that in this position, on behalf of the illegal authority, the man developed and implemented a strategy for the development of the industrial complex, trade, catering and consumer services.

A resident of Kherson region, who headed the occupation police in Chaplynka, was also sentenced to 15 years in prison.
