Aug. 20, 2024, 6:56 p.m.

Resident of Kherson region facilitated establishment of illegal authority

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Photo: Kherson Regional Prosecutor's Office

Photo: Kherson Regional Prosecutor's Office

The occupying head of the Kamenska community will be tried in Kherson region

This was reported by the press service of the Kherson Regional Prosecutor's Office.

The post says that prosecutors of the Kherson Regional and Kakhovka District Prosecutor's Offices sent an indictment to the court against a local resident on the fact of collaboration (Part 5 of Article 111-1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

The investigation established that in September 2022, the 50-year-old defendant took the position of the so-called "head of the Kamenskoye TU of the Kakhovka VGA". In this position, the woman contributed to the establishment of an illegal authority and was responsible for its functioning. She personally hired people and monitored compliance with the regime. She obliged individuals and legal entities to obey the occupation administration. She was in charge of general management of local utilities.

The special pre-trial investigation was carried out by investigators of the Security Service of Ukraine in Kherson region.

Earlier it was reported that a resident of the region was suspected of transferring the vehicle fleet of the seized enterprise to the Russian military and the occupation administration of Kherson region. According to the investigation, at the end of July 2022, the 46-year-old suspect voluntarily took the position of the so-called "Head of Security of the Kherson Shipyard". In August 2022, the man voluntarily began the procedure of collecting and transferring material resources of the seized shipbuilding enterprise to the armed forces of the Russian Federation and the occupation administration of the region. It is about at least seven cars and one truck that the suspect personally or with the help of the Russian military took out of the territory and handed over to the occupiers.

A local resident who received a mandate as a "deputy of the Kherson Regional Duma" from a Russian party will also be tried.
