Sept. 19, 2024, 6:57 p.m.

Occupation institutions in Kherson region lack staff

Цей матеріал також доступний українською


Photo: Center for National Resistance

Photo: Center for National Resistance

In the temporarily occupied territories of Kherson and other regions of Ukraine, the shortage of personnel does not allow the enemy to find traitors to work as bailiffs.

This was reported by the press service of the National Resistance Center.

The post says that despite the high salaries and social package for the occupied region, there are no people willing to serve the enemy. Therefore, the vast majority of bailiffs in the courts are Russians who have been imported and have no desire to stay in the enemy's land, which is alien to them.

In general, the entire repressive apparatus in the region is composed of Russians and serves only to persecute Ukrainians and imitate the trial of Ukrainians. Most cases are classified, and the accusations have no evidence.

The Russians also continue to force passportization of the population of the temporarily occupied territories. Thus, the Kremlin hopes to bring passportization to 60% of the TOT population by the end of the year. Therefore, all departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs have been instructed to increase the number of raids in villages and on city streets to clarify the lists of those who do not have Russian passports. However, the police leadership instead complained about the lack of personnel to form raid teams and asked to send a larger batch of touring Russians.

Earlier it was reported that the invaders from Russia are forced to bring their doctors and secondary medical staff to the temporarily occupied territories of Kherson and other regions of Ukraine, as the locals do not work with the enemy and have mostly left the region. In order to overcome the shortage, the occupiers are recruiting students to study at the captured medical colleges, but there are not many applicants. To encourage people, the training is free of charge, and no exams are required for admission.

Also, due to the shortage of energy specialists in the temporarily occupied territories of Kherson and Zaporizhzhia regions, the occupiers could not overcome the consequences of bad weather.

Володимир Шкаєв
