Sept. 24, 2024, 8:53 a.m.

JFO reports where the wreckage of downed Shaheeds fell in Mykolaiv region

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Photo: Defense Forces of Southern Ukraine

Photo: Defense Forces of Southern Ukraine

The Russian army sends attack drones of the Shahed type to Mykolaiv region almost every day, and September 24 was no exception. Ukrainian air defense worked against the enemy UAVs, but the debris damaged an outbuilding that was not in use.

According to the head of the Mykolaiv Regional Air Defense Command, Vitaliy Kim, in his daily report, air defense forces and equipment in Mykolaiv region destroyed four kamikaze drones.

In Mykolaiv district, the falling wreckage of one of the downed UAVs damaged a disused outbuilding and started a dry grass fire, which was quickly extinguished by firefighters. There were no casualties.

In addition, yesterday, on September 23, at 14:57, 15:59, 17:16 and 20:17, the enemy attacked the Kutsurub community with FPV drones. There were no casualties.

The south of Ukraine is under constant Russian shelling. In Mykolaiv region, sirens warn residents of possible attacks several times a day. Every day, from the occupied Kinburn Peninsula, Russians intensively bombard two small towns located on the Black Sea coast - Ochakiv and Kutsurubska community. Artillery shells and kamikaze drones arrive there almost daily, terrorizing the local population and constantly attacking Ukrainian infrastructure and residential buildings to intimidate people.

On September 22, at 08:25, 10:43, 11:00, 11:43, 15:50, 17:18, 19:03 and 19:21, the enemy attacked the Kutsurub community with FPV drones. As a result, two private houses were damaged in Solonchaky village and a car in Dmytrivka village. Also, in the community, in an open area, there was a dry grass fire, which was promptly extinguished by firefighters. There were no casualties.

On September 21, the enemy attacked the Kutsurubska community six times with FPV drones. As a result, a private house, outbuildings, a garage and a car were damaged in the village of Dmytrivka. In the village of Parutyne, a fire broke out on the roof of the Palace of Culture, which was quickly extinguished by rescuers.

On September 20, a Russian attack destroyed a warehouse of an agricultural enterprise. Ukrainian air defense forces destroyed three Shahed 131/136 drones.

Ірина Глухова
