Aug. 23, 2024, 11:01 a.m.

In Kherson region, the deputy minister of the occupiers received a prison term

Цей матеріал також доступний українською


Photo: Kherson Regional Prosecutor's Office

Photo: Kherson Regional Prosecutor's Office

The so-called "Deputy Minister of Health of Kherson region" was sentenced to 10 years in prison.

This was reported by the press service of the Kherson Regional Prosecutor's Office.

The post says that a local resident was found guilty of collaboration (Part 5 of Article 111-1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine) following a public prosecution by prosecutors of the Kherson Regional Prosecutor's Office. He was sentenced to 10 years in prison with confiscation of property. He was also deprived of the right to hold positions in public authorities, public administration, local self-government and engage in activities related to the provision of public services for a period of 15 years.

It is noted that the court proved that in July 2022, the convict took up the position of the so-called "Head of the Department of Medical Care Organization of the Department of Health of the Kherson Region" in the occupation administration of the region. In the fall of the same year, the occupiers "reorganized" the department into a "ministry" in which he became the "deputy" of the occupation Minister of Health. In this pseudo-position, the defendant performed organizational, administrative and economic functions.

The special pre-trial investigation was conducted by the SBU in Kherson region.

Earlier it was reported that two residents of the region who headed the occupation "village council" and the district unit of the "regional medical institution" were served suspicion notices in Kherson region. Thus, under the procedural supervision of the Kherson Regional Prosecutor's Office, two residents of the region were served in absentia with a notice of suspicion of collaboration (Part 5 of Article 111-1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

The occupation head of the Kamenskaya community will also be tried in Kherson region. The investigation established that in September 2022, the 50-year-old defendant took the position of the so-called "head of the Kamenskoye TU of the Kakhovka VGA". In this position, the woman contributed to the formation of an illegal authority and was responsible for its functioning.
