Employees of institutions and enterprises controlled by the Russian occupiers in the Kherson region are complaining about late payment of wages. Sometimes they have not been paid for six months or more.
This was reported by the Center for Investigative Journalism.
Employees of the occupation institution "Multifunctional Center for the Provision of State and Municipal Services" - the Russian analogue of our ASC- complain about wage arrears. It is headed by Kherson collaborator Volodymyr Ognev.
The illegal LLC "Specialized Developer "RC Tavria" from the village of Genicheska Hirka, Genichesk district, does not pay the promised salary on time. This company, along with the Specialized Developer RC Lazurne LLC from Skadovsk, established in July 2024, is headed by Vitaliy Kornev.
Students of the illegal "Kherson Technical University" complain about long delays in the payment of scholarships, and employees of the seized Dnipro Psychoneurological Boarding House, the Oblvodokanal enterprise registered in Hola Prystan, Skadovsk district, and the Tandem Management Company also complain about salary arrears.
Serious delays in the payment of wages by the occupiers began last year. It is known that the occupation administration of the Genichesk community could not pay salaries to employees of its structural units for December 2023 for more than four months. As of April 2024, the illegal administration of Genichesk owed employees more than 6 million rubles. In addition to this, the occupiers owe almost 2 million rubles in compensation for late payment of wages to 887 employees of its structural units.
Representatives of the occupation authorities say that the reason for the debt is the lack of funding from the occupation Ministry of Finance of Kherson region.
Residents of the Genichesk district told the Crisis Group that many collaborators are very dissatisfied with both the drop in salaries and their late payment. Because of this, they resign and leave, some to Russia, some to Europe:
"That is why there is still a large shortage of personnel in the occupation structures and why the occupiers are forced to appoint, for example, tractor drivers as geography teachers in the seized schools."