Sept. 24, 2024, 6:58 p.m.

In Kherson region, MPs checked the use of funds for the construction of fortifications

Цей матеріал також доступний українською


Photo: Kherson Regional State Administration

Photo: Kherson Regional State Administration

On September 23, People's Deputies of Ukraine Roman Kostenko, Oleksandr Bakumov and Oleksiy Zhmerenetskyi paid a working visit to Kherson region.

This was reported by the head of the Kherson Regional State Administration Oleksandr Prokudin.

The official said in a post that the MPs are members of the temporary special commission of the Verkhovna Rada on the use of state budget funds allocated for the construction of fortifications and engineering barriers on the contact line, as well as for the manufacture and purchase of drones for the Defense Forces.

The MPs and representatives of the regional administration held a meeting with the parliamentarians to discuss the construction of fortifications in Kherson region.

Prokudin added that, on behalf of the President of Ukraine, work to strengthen the defense borders in the frontline and border regions is actively continuing. The process of strengthening Kherson region is also ongoing. Currently, the level of completion is 97%, and the construction is fully funded. During the meeting, the parties discussed the fortification of platoon-support points, anti-tank trenches and reinforced concrete structures.

Also during the visit, the parties discussed the attraction of resources, formats of cooperation with contractors and the maintenance of these structures.

Earlier it was reported that in Odesa region, BES employees discovered the embezzlement of property of the state defense enterprise. The case was brought to court. The investigation found that the defense enterprise had entered into a contract with a commercial company to modernize engine and turbine generator test benches. However, the contractor did not complete the work in full, which resulted in losses to the state-owned enterprise in excess of UAH 2 million.

In addition, local budgets of Izmail district allocated more than UAH 30 million to support the defense industry.

Володимир Шкаєв
