Sept. 27, 2024, 10:38 a.m.

City Day celebrations canceled in Izmail due to deaths in Russian attack

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Celebrating the Day of the City of Izmail in October 2022. Photo: Izmail.City

Celebrating the Day of the City of Izmail in October 2022. Photo: Izmail.City

In Izmail, due to the tragic deaths of citizens and the destruction of the city's infrastructure, the City Day celebrations that were to take place tomorrow, September 28, have been canceled.

This wasreported by Bessarabia INFORM, citing Deputy Mayor Serhiy Luzanov .

The media outlet notes that the City Day events began yesterday with a poetry plein air and a men's tennis championship. Today, two concerts by students of the Izmail Music School were to take place in two different venues.

Tomorrow, the plan of events was to look like this:

- 10:00-13:00 - Charity fair in the park near the monument to Taras Shevchenko

- 10:15 - Flashmob - a solemn procession with a demonstration of the State Flag of Ukraine and the flag of the city (route: Taras Shevchenko Park - Peremohy Square - Taras Shevchenko Park)

-11:00 - Opening of the traditional regional exhibition of Danube artists "Budzhak Palette" (painting, graphics, decorative and applied arts)

- 09:00 - Opening of the Izmail Open Volleyball Championship among men, women, children and veterans, dedicated to the City Day (Izmail Sports Palace).

However, it is likely that tomorrow will be declared a day of mourning for the victims of the Russian army attack. It is not yet known whether the city's birthday will be postponed to another day.

Today, on September 27, in the morning, the Russian military launched attack drones in the south of Odesa region. Izmail was hit the hardest. The attack killed three people: two women aged 90 and 69 and a 73-year-old man. Fourteen people were injured, including three children aged 13 and 14. In addition, the shelling damaged private and apartment buildings, outbuildings, buildings, and cars.

Earlier, on September 26, a 62-year-old woman died as a result of a rocket attack in Odesa district. In addition, the explosions damaged several buildings and cars. Dry grass caught fire, but the fire was quickly extinguished thanks to the prompt actions of rescuers. In the morning, the enemy continued the attack, this time using Shahed-type attack drones. The attack resulted in no casualties and no serious damage to infrastructure.

Олеся Ланцман
