Oct. 15, 2014, 3 a.m.

Odsea youth have their own voice

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Odsea youth have their own voice

As part of the project "Odesa Youth Have a Voice of Their Own," a video message was recorded by young leaders of Odesa to the youth of Odesa to take a more active part in shaping the future and political life of the country, to take responsibility for the development of society, and to do at least the minimum - to go to the polls.

The 5 videos featured 10 well-known Odessans who have achieved success in their professional fields (sports, science, business, art) and have their own civic position. The filming took place in picturesque old places of Odesa by a young film crew, the organizers say.

We remind you of the calendar of main events for the preparation and holding of regular elections of deputies of local councils and village, town and city mayors.

How to exercise and protect the right to vote in the 2015 local elections: a voter's guide.

On October 25, 2015, Ukraine will hold regular local elections. The election campaign is already characterized by numerous violations of the electoral law, widespread use of populist promises, bribery of voters, and illegal campaigning. In such a situation, it is quite difficult for a voter to navigate and make an informed choice.

The effective exercise and protection of the right to vote in local elections is significantly complicated by brand new legislation adopted shortly before the start of the election process and, accordingly, not tested in practice. In particular, we are talking about the Law of Ukraine "On Local Elections" of July 14, 2015 and a significant array of bylaws. The introduction of new approaches to the electoral system and changes in many electoral procedures by this Law significantly complicates the voter's ability to make their choice and implement it at the polling station.

Given these conditions, in order to help voters understand the complex legal framework and fully exercise their right to vote in the 2015 local elections, the Odesa regional organization of the NGO "Committee of Voters of Ukraine" has traditionally prepared a number of practical tips and recommendations.
