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March 18, 2025, 6:53 p.m.

Kherson Inspects Pharmacies for Price Compliance Amid Complaints

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The Main Directorate of the State Service of Ukraine for Food Safety and Consumer Protection in Kherson Oblast will conduct inspections of pharmacies in the Kherson community to ensure that they comply with the prices of medicines and medical devices.

According to Roman Mrochko, head of the Kherson MBA, the executive committee of the Kherson City Council receives numerous complaints from residents of our community about high prices for medicines in pharmacies. This makes it impossible, especially for elderly people, to buy the necessary medicines to maintain their health.

"Since March 1, Ukraine has resumed measures of state supervision (control) over compliance by pharmacies with the requirements for the formation, establishment and application of state regulated prices," Mrochko said.

Therefore, he asked the State Service of Ukraine on Food Safety and Consumer Protection to monitor prices in local pharmacies. After all, the legislation regulates the issue of markups on medicines, prohibits any marketing services for their promotion, and resumes inspections by the State Service of Ukraine for Food Safety and Consumer Protection in terms of price control in pharmacy chains.

"The Kherson community became the first to introduce such monitoring," added the head of the MBA.

Earlier, representatives ofthe PRISON FELLOWSHIP ROMANIA Charitable Foundation donated almost 16 tons of medicines and acid concentrate for hemodialysis worth over UAH 3 million to medical institutions in Kherson region.

It is worth noting that in 11 months of 2024, more than UAH 1 billion was allocated to support more than 25 thousand residents of Kherson region who are registered with the region's social services.

Prior to that, Roman Mrochko, head of Kherson MVA, said that every resident of the community who was injured as a result of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation, as well as relatives of the victims, have the right to apply to district councils in Kherson and receive payments under the city's comprehensive Social Protection program.

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