Oct. 20, 2014, 3 a.m.

Odesa civic activists call on voters to "vote honestly and elect worthy"

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Odesa civic activists call on voters to "vote honestly and elect worthy"

"Vote honestly - choose worthy!" was the topic of a press conference held in Odesa on the initiative of the All-Ukrainian Network "Civic Initiatives of Ukraine", Odesa regional organization of the CVU and the EuroMaidan Civil Sector.

According to the organizers, the information campaign "Vote honestly - choose worthy" is being held almost all over Ukraine, and mostly covers small towns, district centers, villages and towns. Its goal is to motivate citizens to come to the polls and provide information on how to understand the electoral lists, check the "quality" of the candidate and prevent voter manipulation.

Anatoliy Boyko, Head of the Odesa regional organization of the CVU, said: "At this point, groups of volunteers have already been formed and are working throughout the region. As part of our information campaign, they will urge voters not to sell their votes and to be vigilant when electing future deputies. We have developed explanatory leaflets, posters, and other products that will hopefully help voters."

In particular, the activists will urge voters to check whether a candidate voted for the laws that introduced dictatorship in Ukraine, how he or she behaved during the fateful events in Ukraine, whether the candidate is a professional person, whether he or she has not tarnished himself or herself in corruption scandals.

"Our activists will draw people's attention to populists who promise voters 'mountains of gold'. Such unfortunate politicians are no less dangerous than bribing voters. Lustration, war, economic and social situation - all these topics are actively speculated on by parliamentary candidates... We will emphasize this problem," - Anatoliy Boyko emphasized.

Public activists will pay special attention to the elections in majority districts. After all, according to many years of electoral experience in Ukraine, it is through them that the "fifth column" can enter the parliament. This is because in small towns and villages, it is more difficult for people to get complete information about the activities of a majoritarian candidate, his or her political preferences and professional experience. "This election campaign is quite short. The voters are simultaneously exposed to a fierce wave of information from TV, radio and newspapers. Add to that outdoor advertising. And if there are, for example, 15-20 majoritarian candidates in a constituency, it is clear that it is very difficult for an ordinary citizen to figure out who is who. Such a flurry of information plays into the hands of unscrupulous candidates," - shared his thoughts the public figure.

The participants of the press conference called on journalists to join the campaign and jointly inform voters on how to vote fairly and elect a decent parliament.
