Aug. 30, 2024, 11:01 a.m.

Reconstruction of sewage system to start in one of the cities in Odesa region for almost 80 million

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Photo: Voice of Ukraine

Photo: Voice of Ukraine

Artsyz, Odesa Oblast, is looking for a contractor to carry out a complete reconstruction of its sewage treatment facilities. It is planned to spend almost 80 million hryvnias from the budget for the work.

According to the Center for Public Investigations, the relevant tender was posted on the Prozorro.

The procurement for the reconstruction of sewage facilities for full biological treatment was announced by the Artsyz City Council on August 29. Proposals will be accepted until September 19. The next day, an auction will be held in the format of open bidding with special features. The peculiarity of open bidding is that all terms are shortened compared to traditional bidding, which is regulated by the Law on Public Procurement. This means that the procurement process is much faster.

The total value of the tender is UAH 79 million 908 thousand.

(Photo: Screenshot from Prozorro)

According to the tender documentation, the winner must install the latest treatment systems. These include aeration tanks, filters, and biological reactors for effective wastewater treatment.

In addition, the outdated pipelines, pumping stations and storage tanks for purified water will be completely reconstructed. It is also planned to install an automated control system.

All works are to be completed by August 31, 2026.

Recently, a tender for the construction of a new family medicine outpatient clinic was canceled in the village of Chornomorske, Odesa Oblast. The auction for the construction of a new outpatient clinic was announced in July this year. It was planned to spend UAH 52 million 611 thousand.

Meanwhile, the Ananievo Multidisciplinary City Hospital in Odesa Oblast chose a contractor for the overhaul of its protective structure on the second attempt, rejecting a cheaper offer.

Following a series of Intent' s publications on the dubious tender for the overhaul of school #61 in Odesa, the BES canceled the procurement. The contractor's agreement with the contractor was terminated, which allowed the city to save UAH 120 million in the budget
