Aug. 19, 2024, 4:26 p.m.

Odesa Port Plant Decides to Purchase 4 Billion of Gas

Цей матеріал також доступний українською


Photo: OPP

Photo: OPP

Odesa Port Plant has announced a tender to select a natural gas supplier with an expected purchase price of UAH 4 billion 185 million.

The relevant information is available on the plant's website.

According to the tender documents, the company plans to purchase 242.5 million cubic meters of natural gas by the end of this year.

Theauction is scheduled for August 22 in the format of a classic open tender, which requires at least two bidders.

According to ExPro, this was the second auction. The plant held the first one in July but canceled its results. Within 20 working days of the announcement of the results of the July auction, the OPP had to conclude a commercial agreement with a new supplier. If the deadline was violated, the results of the auction were to be canceled and the OPP had to announce a new tender, which it did.

Meanwhile, in early August, Forbes, citing its own government source, reported that the Odesa Port Plant was preparing to resume full operation for the first time since 2021 and was scheduled to launch in August.

The government notes that fertilizers from the Odesa Port Plant can cover up to 15% of the annual needs of Ukrainian farmers and reduce their cost.

In February 2024, Vitaliy Koval, head of the State Property Fund, said that the expansion of the OPP's activities was being considered, including the ability to load multi-ton vessels. He also did not rule out the possibility of launching the enterprise in its core business.

He also said that the OPP will always be of interest to industrial investors because of the possibility of loading ammonia onto ships right at the production site.

In April 2022, the Odesa Port Plant suspended the labor contract with some of its employees due to the Russian invasion. Previously, the plant was scheduled to launch on June 1, 2022, but due to Russian shelling, this did not happen.

In November 2022, Odesa Port Plant completed the conversion of its production facilities to ship grain to sea for export.
