Sept. 28, 2024, 11:01 p.m.

In Mykolaiv, there were no volunteers to Ukrainize the famous memorial

Цей матеріал також доступний українською


Photo: Mart shopping mall

Photo: Mart shopping mall

Mykolaiv Parks planned to renovate the Memorial Complex in honor of the 68th Olszanska paratroopers. A tender was announced, but it was canceled due to the lack of proposals.

Information about this is available on the public procurement platform Prozorro.

The winner of the tender had to dismantle the Russian inscription and the Soviet star. According to the updated version, the inscription should read as follows: "Eternal glory to the heroes who died for the Motherland". The star should be replaced with a wreath with the dates of World War II (1939-1945). The cost of the work was estimated at UAH 672 thousand.

The auction was scheduled for September 23, but it did not take place because no participant registered for the auction.

Meanwhile, the Bashtanka village council announced a tender three times to select a contractor to install monuments on the graves of fallen soldiers who were buried in the local cemetery. We are talking about 14 tombstones. UAH 700 thousand was allocated from the budget for their installation. But each time, the bidding was canceled due to lack of bids.

At the same time, Mykolaiv Funeral Service chose a contractor on the second attempt to manufacture and install 160 tombstones for the defenders who died in the Russian-Ukrainian war.

The auction was held in an open bidding format with special conditions on September 20. Since only one participant applied for the tender, the utility company did not have to choose the cheapest bidder. The agreement is about to be signed with private entrepreneur Olga Vasilevich. The contractor must complete all the work by the end of 2024 and receive UAH 4 million 560 thousand for it.

It should be noted that Mykolaiv Funeral Service had already announced a similar tender, but the winner was rejected due to an incomplete package of documents.

Ірина Глухова
