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March 10, 2025, 6:27 p.m.

Ukraine Reviews High-Profile Report on Illegal Sand Mining in Mykolaiv Region

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The Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Ukraine has begun reviewing a high-profile environmental impact assessment report. It concerns illegal sand mining in the Emerald Network in Mykolaiv region.

According to the Ukrainian Environmental Protection Group (UPG), the entrepreneur started work before obtaining the necessary permits, which led to the destruction of a valuable natural area.

In October 2024, sole proprietor Serhiy Lapko began excavations in the steppe zone, which is part of the Emerald and Ecological Network. The first environmental impact assessment report submitted by the entrepreneur was unreliable and contained numerous errors. The Department of Ecology of Mykolaiv Regional State Administration found 18 violations and on November 4, 2024, refused to continue operations.

However, on February 3, 2025, a new report was submitted, which did not take into account most of the previous comments. Moreover, the research was conducted in winter, when it is impossible to objectively assess the biodiversity of the territory. At the same time, the fact of the start of work before obtaining permits was recorded: between October 5 and 23, 2024, illegal excavation took place at the site.

Rare species of flora and fauna listed in the Red Data Book of Ukraine were found in the area where the mining was carried out. Their fate remains unknown, and the damage to the ecosystem violates Ukraine's international obligations under the Berne Convention. In addition, part of the forest was destroyed as a result of illegal operations.

Environmental activists also drew attention to the composition of the authors of the new report: among them are experts in chemistry and pharmacology from the Petro Mohyla National University who have no competence in studying wildlife, which casts doubt on the scientific credibility of the document.

Environmental activists and conservation organizations called on the Ministry of Environment to issue a negative opinion on the report. In addition, an appeal was filed with the Office of the Prosecutor General of Ukraine and the National Police in Mykolaiv Oblast demanding that criminal proceedings be initiated on the facts of illegal mining and unauthorized damage to the soil cover.

This case has become one of the most blatant violations of environmental legislation in Ukraine, and the public expects a fair investigation and prosecution of the perpetrators.

Earlier, the Mykolaiv branch of the State Enterprise "Forests of Ukraine" launched an internal investigation against a forester who had not noticed an illegal sand quarry in the forest near the city for two years. Eco-activists and the police arrived at the forest near the village of Mykhailo-Laryne in the Voskresenska community and found a huge pit dug by tractors of illegal miners.

In addition, in January, a scandal erupted in Mykolaiv over large-scale tree trimming. The plane trees, which only needed sanitary removal of dry branches, suffered significant damage due to illegal work.

Анна Бальчінос
