Oct. 10, 2024, 3:58 p.m.

One hundred and fifty million for heat: Mykolaiv decided to install heating stations

Цей матеріал також доступний українською


PHOTO: Target Management

PHOTO: Target Management

The city of Mykolaiv decided to install heating stations in two high-rise buildings. It is planned to spend almost UAH 150 million on this.

This was reported by the Center for Public Investigations with reference to the Dream ecosystem.

The initiator of the projects was the regional utility company Mykolaivoblteploenergo.

Thus, according to the ecosystem, it is planned to install individual heating stations in multi-storey residential buildings in the Namiv neighborhood and in the Korabelnyi district.

An individual heating point (IHP) is an autonomous unit that integrates into the building's heating system and allows for automatic regulation of heat supply depending on the actual needs of the building.

UAH 70.9 million has been allocated for the heat point in the Namiv neighborhood and UAH 78.3 million in the Korabelny district.

Each individual heat point includes the following components:

  • Heat exchanger: The main component for transferring heat from the central heating network to the heating system of the house.
  • Pumping units: Ensure the circulation of the coolant in the system.
  • Automatic control system: Adjusts the temperature of the heat transfer medium according to changes in weather conditions.
  • Heat meters: Measure the amount of heat energy consumed with high accuracy.
  • Filters: Purify the heat transfer medium and protect the equipment from contamination.
  • Pressure and temperature regulators: Ensure stable operation of the heating system.

The main goals of the project are to increase the efficiency of the heating system, reduce heat losses, optimize heat consumption, improve the comfort of residents by individually adjusting the temperature in the house, and reduce the cost of maintenance and heating bills.

According to the project descriptions, it will take 24 months to install the heating stations. The projects are currently under preparation and await funding.

Mykolaiv also planned to build a complex that will provide the city with a backup source of heat. More than eight hundred million hryvnias have been allocated for the project. Thus, it is planned to build a biomass power generating complex to provide a backup source of heat for the boiler house of the Mykolaivoblteploenergo utility company.

In addition, a boiler house reconstruction is planned in Mykolaiv. The reconstruction was initiated by the Mykolaiv City Council. Mykolaivoblteploenergo is the project executor. The project cost is UAH 176 million. The project aims to improve energy efficiency, reliability and safety of heat supply, as well as reduce the environmental impact of the boiler house.

Recently, the city received 6 modular boiler houses from the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark. The assistance was provided to ensure that the upcoming heating season will be held in the context of a full-scale war without risks for the townspeople.

Анна Бальчінос
