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Nov. 14, 2024, 10:58 a.m.

It was decided to install warning systems in eight settlements of Kherson region

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PHOTO: Transparency International

PHOTO: Transparency International

In Kherson region, it is planned to install warning systems in eight settlements. More than five million hryvnias are to be raised for this purpose.

This was reported by the Center for Public Investigations with reference to the Dream ecosystem.

A new construction of a local automated centralized warning system is planned for the Beryslav city territorial community of the Beryslav district of the Kherson region. The project was initiated by the Executive Committee of the Beryslav City Council.

The aim of the project is to alert the population to the threat and occurrence of emergencies in peacetime and during a special period and to keep them informed of the current circumstances.

Screenshot: Dream

The construction site is located on the territory of the Beryslav City Territorial Community. The settlements included in the community are Beryslav, Shlyakhove, Tomaryne, Urozhayne, Novoberislav, Zmiivka, Rakivka, Tarasa Shevchenko, Vilne and Novosilka.

The works are being carried out in three phases:

  • Phase I - installation of MACCS and organization of warning of open areas in the city of Beryslav;
  • Phase II - organization of warning of open areas in Shlyakhove, Tomaryne, Urozhayne, Tarasa Shevchenko, Rakivka villages;
  • Phase III - organization of internal warning of the community's settlements.

The project budget is UAH 5 million 365 thousand 992. The duration of the project is 6 months.

Screenshot: Dream

It is noted that the SES has the ability to receive commands and signals via satellite, terrestrial radio broadcasting, public telecommunications network, and communication channels.

The project has been implemented since September 2024 and requires funding.

In addition, a modern cultural center is planned to be built in the Kherson region for more than UAH 50 million. More than fifty million hryvnias are planned to be raised for this purpose. The Beryslav Taras Shevchenko Center for Culture and Leisure is to be renovated. The creation of such a cultural center will help solve the problem of cultural development and leisure for the residents of the Beryslav community.

And the International Organization for Migration financed the purchase of equipment to restore the water supply of the Beryslav community. More than four million hryvnias were spent on this. It is planned to purchase and install energy-saving equipment for artesian wells in the community's settlements.

Since 2021, the region has been trying to rehabilitate a landfill that was started by the traitor MP's company. Funding is currently being sought for the project. The goal of the project is to implement a set of organizational, technical, and biotechnological measures aimed at restoring disturbed land and improving environmental safety.

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