Aug. 24, 2024, 5:06 p.m.
Odesa will try to find a contractor for the fifth time to repair a school for 109 million
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Photo: Odesa City Hall
For the fifth time, the Capital Construction Department of the Odesa City Council has announced a procurement to select a contractor for the reconstruction of the building of school No. 39 at 20 Uspenskaya Street.
The relevant information is available in the Prozorro electronic procurement system, according to the Center for Public Investigations.
The procurement in the format of an open tender with special conditions is scheduled to take place on September 12. The last procurement was held in June. Then Stimax LLC won the tender. In that tender, the company had no competitors and planned to receive UAH 109 million 81.6 thousand. However, the company did not eliminate discrepancies in the documentation and the tender was canceled.
According to the YouControl service, Stimax LLC was registered in 2015. The founders are Faraday Closed Non-Diversified Venture Corporate Investment Fund and Oleksandr Sokolskyi. Mr. Sokolsky is also listed as the ultimate beneficiary of the LLC. As for the fund, its founder is Marina Apele, a Latvian citizen living in Cyprus.
In January , the Capital Construction Department of the Odesa City Council changed its mind about signing an agreement on the reconstruction of the building of school No. 39 at 20 Uspenska Street with the private joint-stock company Odeskolovpostach Repair and Construction Site. The company did not correct the discrepancies in the information and documents it submitted as part of its tender proposal that were identified by the customer after the tender was opened.
In December last year, the Capital Construction Department held a tender to select a contractor to be paid for the reconstruction of the building of school No. 39. Odeskholovpostach was expected to sign the contract, which planned to reconstruct the school by December 31, 2024, and receive UAH 109 million 312.8 thousand for it.
The procurement was conducted in the format of an open tender with special conditions, so the company had no competitors.
The procurement was announced on December 15. The tender was to take place on December 25, and December 23 was set as the deadline for receiving bids. Since there was only one offer, the winner was qualified on December 23.
Similarly, the previous tender was supposed to be held on December 18, but a new one was announced on December 15 because no bids were received.
It should be noted that the cost of the reconstruction increased by 80 million 523.1 thousand hryvnias after the adjustment. The fact is that in June 2020, the department held an auction to select a contractor for this reconstruction. Two limited liability companies took part in the auction: "Ukrbudconstruction and Takom-Gloria South. The latter was the winner. The company agreed to work for UAH 28 million 793 thousand.
An agreement was signed with the company, and initially it was supposed to complete the reconstruction by March 31, but the deadline for completion was constantly changed by additional agreements.
At that time, it was the fourth attempt to select a contractor for the work. The previous three ended in nothing because there was only one person willing to work.
The building was built in 1875 and has been operating as an educational institution since 1893. The school has been closed since 2021.