March 10, 2024, 9:03 p.m.

About 100 young soldiers went to fight against Ukraine

(Militarization of adolescents in Crimea. Photo: CNS)

In the annexed Crimea, the occupation authorities are agitating Ukrainian boys to join militaristic clubs, including the Unarmy. The militarization of teenagers is unfolding, in particular, in schools and colleges.

This was reported by the National Resistance Center.

According to their data, recruitment is being conducted in sports clubs and educational institutions. In particular, the enemy promises members of such clubs preferences in the admission campaign.

Last year alone, about 100 members of the Unarmy went to fight in the Russian Armed Forces against Ukraine. Some also went to study at military universities.

Earlier it was reported that agitators from the military registration and enlistment office are going around educational institutions and offering to sign a contract instead of military service in order to recruit "volunteers" and send them to the front.

They also campaign during excursions and at public events with propaganda concerts.

Earlier it was reported that the occupation authorities of Simferopol intend to build a military sports town to teach schoolchildren military professions. The training will include field, sports training, maritime and basic military training.

Already, the occupation authorities of Crimea are training 15 instructors who are clearly focused on teaching military professions to schoolchildren.

The head of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people , Refat Chubarov , stated that in virtually all Crimean schools, Russians are militarizing children by involving them in weaving camouflage nets for the Russian military.

He said that in November 2023, there was a massive invasion of so-called volunteers and all kinds of organizers of paramilitary events in a Ukrainian secondary school in Simferopol district. At the same time, the involvement of children in all these activities was filmed and broadcast on Russian channels.

The American Institute for the Study of War also noted that the Russian occupation administrations continue to forcibly militarize Ukrainian children living in the occupied territories.

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